'``SITE: Fort Calhoun High School, Fort Calhoun, Nebraska
DIRECTOR: Jamie Schleifer 402-468-5591, Drew Welchert 402-980-0873
DATE: Friday, March 3rd, 2023
STARTING TIMES: First Round- 4:00pm. We will move through the sessions as quickly and efficiently as time permits, with moderate breaks between rounds for cleaning.
PARTICIPATING SCHOOLS: Arlington, Ashland Greenwood, Bennington, Bennington South Middle, Blair, Conestoga, DC West, Fort Calhoun, North Bend Central, Oakland-Craig, Tekamah Herman, Weeping Water, West Point Beemer, and Yutan.
TRACK WRESTLING information needs to be entered Friday, Mar. 3rd at 10am. 8-man brackets.
WEIGH-INS: At Home Weight-ins
ADMISSION: Adults $5.00/ Students (with ID) $4.00
AWARDS: Medals to top 4 wrestlers in each bracket
Team Locations: All teams will find an area on the North Side bleachers. Spectators will be asked to sit on the South Side bleachers.