picture of David Taylor

David Taylor, nicknamed the Magic Man, is an American freestyle wrestler who currently resides and trains in State College, Pennsylvania. Taylor was crowned the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Champion at 86 kg after defeating Iran's Yazdani in the finals. Other career accolades include 2018 World Champion in Budapest, 2021 World Silver medalist in Oslo, three-time Pan-American Champion, Ivan Yarygin Champion, two-time NCAA champion at Penn State, two-time Dan Hodge award winner, and four-time Ohio State Champion.


David Taylor Tells The Story Of His First Time In The Oklahoma State Wrestling Room

May 14, 2024

David Taylor tells the story of his first steps inside the Oklahoma State wrestling room when he was eight years old. Even at a young age, Taylor was greeted by Head Coach John Smith, UFC Champion Daniel Cormier, and 2-time national champion Chris Pendleton