2023-24 Big Ten Conference Wrestling Rankings

157 pounds

Is there a result we might have missed or a weight change we didn't catch? Let us know by emailing us at rankings@flosports.tv and include Big Ten rankings in the subject line.

1Levi HainesPenn StateSO1
2Michael BlockhusMinnesotaSR4
3Jared FranekIowaSR5
4Peyton RobbNebraskaSR13
5Brayton LeeIndianaSR14
6Will LewanMichiganSR15
7Joey BlazePurdueFR19
8Chase SaldateMichigan StateSR20
9Trevor ChumbleyNorthwesternJR22
10Isaac WilcoxOhio StateJR23
11Jacob ButlerRutgersSR29
12Michael NorthMarylandJRNR
13Logan SwawIllinoisFRNR
14Luke MechlerWisconsinSONR