Top 10 Division I Matches Of The 2015-16 Season

Top 10 Division I Matches Of The 2015-16 Season

Wrestling is currently in a transition period. Our sport truly is year-round, but if there's ever a time with to be dubbed the "offseason," it's right now.

Sep 20, 2016 by Christian Pyles
Top 10 Division I Matches Of The 2015-16 Season
Wrestling is currently in a transition period. Our sport truly is year-round, but if there's ever a time with to be dubbed the "offseason," it's right now. That's why we're going to take some time to reflect on the best moments of the 2015-2016 season.

Today, we'll look at the top 10 Division I matches of the 2015-2016 season.

10. Brian Harvey, Army vs. Chandler Rogers, Oklahoma State

Last year, we found out that Chandler Rogers' default status is wide open. The same could be said for Brian Harvey in this match. This one starts with a fireman's carry from Rogers, who never looks back.

9. Anthony Giraldo, Rutgers vs. Cody Brewer, Oklahoma

"Anthony Giraldo, what are ya doing!?" is a classic call by Screwy Louie, and an appropriate one, at that. Giraldo came out like a ball of fire against the reigning champion, then Brewer dropped the hammer, as NCAA champions tend to do.

8. Stephen Polakowski, Minnesota vs. Zeke Moisey, West Virginia

Polakowski was a backup last year for Minnesota, but that didn't stop him from storming back late against NCAA finalist Zeke Moisey.

7. Brian Realbuto, Cornell vs. Chandler Rogers, Oklahoma State

Mr. Wide Open, Chandler Rogers, was at it again in this one. He nearly pinned Brian Realbuto, who put his offense on display later and stopped Rogers' upset bid.

6. Bo Nickal, Penn State vs. Brian Realbuto, Cornell

By the numbers, this was the most popular match of the year. You guys couldn't stop watching this one, and for good reason. Nickal cemented himself as a bona fide title contender, and Brian Realbuto showed he was one of the best scramblers in the country.

5. Ryan Taylor, Wisconsin vs. Cory Clark, Iowa

Pretty sure these two just decided to take turns scoring until they ran out of time, because that's essentially what happened.

4. Isaiah Martinez, Illinois vs. Jason Nolf, Penn State

Each one of this set of three belongs, so consider this spot an homage to a fantastic series that I'm sad we probably won't ever get to see again. The guts and grit possessed by both of these guys in this Big Ten final is a memory anyone who watched the match won't soon forget. It's one of the best no-takedown matches (though I suppose the "no-takedown" part is up for debate) I've ever seen.

3. Nahshon Garrett, Cornell vs. Cody Brewer, Oklahoma

Here are two more guys who attack with reckless abandon. Brewer's lateral drop put him in the driver's seat, and Nahshon ultimately had the answers (including a lateral drop attempt of his own).

2. Kyle Snyder, Ohio State vs. Nick Gwiazdowski, NC State

It was as exciting as it was historic. Gwiaz put on a master's course in leg-attack scrambling, but Snyder showed mettle, poise, skill and an unreal gas tank to take this match late.

1. Isaiah Martinez, Illinois vs. Ian MIller, Kent State

Simply put, these guys each can do things that many wrestlers can't, athletically. When the two combined for a match, it was a seven-minute fireworks show.

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