Gable Steveson 2023 US Open Wrestling Scoring Breakdown
Gable Steveson 2023 US Open Wrestling Scoring Breakdown
See how and when Gable Steveson is scoring at the US Open Wrestling in Las Vegas.

This will be a running article of Gable Steveson's scoring at the 2023 US Open. Check back in after every round to see how and when Gable is picking up his points.
Takedowns: 12
- 2 snap down go behind
- 2 down block go behind
- 1 step in single
- 1 reattack high crotch
- 1 single leg
- 1 double leg
- 1 underhook throw by
- 1 far knee pick
- 1 underhook far ankle pick
- 1 ankle pick
- 1 misdirection low single
Turns: 2
- 2 gut wrenches
Stepouts: 3
Opponent Takedowns: 0
Opponent Stepouts: 1
Points For: 43
Points Against: 1
Total Time On Mat: 10:35
Average Length Of Match: 2:38
Average Length Of Time Until First Points: 17 seconds
Match 4: Gable Steveson vs Nick Gwiazdowski
(0:10) single leg +2
(1:42) re attack high crotch +2
(2:06) downblock go behind +2
(3:10) step in single +2
(4:10) ankle pick +2
Takedowns: 5
Turns: 0
Points For: 10
Points Against: 0
Total Time On Mat: 4:10
Match 3: Gable Steveson vs Mason Parris
(0:17) step out +1
(0:31) far ankle pick +4
(1:04) far knee pick +2
(2:47) stepout Parris -1
(3:19) misdirection low single +2
Takedowns: 3
Stepouts: 1
Turns: 0
Points For: 11
Points Against: 1
Total Time On Mat: 3:19
Match 2: Gable Steveson vs Wyatt Hendrickson
(0:33) step in +2
(0:47) down block go behind +2
(1:51) underhook throw by +4
(2:09) double leg +4
Takedowns: 2
Stepouts: 0
Turns: 0
Points: 12
Total mat time: 2:09
Match 1: Gable Steveson vs Malcolm Allen
(0:11) stepout +1
(0:18) snap down go behind +2
(0:23) gut wrench +2
(0:40) stepout +1
(1:54) snap down go behind +2
(1:56) gut wrench +2
Takedowns: 2
Stepouts: 2
Turns: 2
Points: 10
Total time on mat: 57 seconds