2024 SIU Edwardville Cougar Clash

2024 Cougar Clash Wrestling Results And Brackets

2024 Cougar Clash Wrestling Results And Brackets

Follow results from the 2024 SIUE Cougar Clash.

Dec 8, 2024 by David Bray
2024 Cougar Clash Wrestling Results And Brackets

The Cougar Clash, hosted by SIU Edwardville, is in the books. Check out the results from the invitational which featured tough teams from SIUE, Illinois, Minnesota, Missouri, Northern Colorado, Little Rock, Bellarmine, and Northern Illinois.

Cougar Clash Brackets

2024 Cougar Clash brackets with links to archived matches are available on Trackwrestling here.

Placement Matches


1st Place Match - Cooper Flynn (Minnesota) 9-1 won by decision over Stevo Poulin (Northern Colorado) 2-1 (Dec 7-1)

3rd Place Match - Blake West (Northern Illinois ) 8-3 won by fall over Noah Surtin (Missouri) 3-2 (Fall 5:31)

5th Place Match - Mack Mauger (Missouri) 5-4 won by fall over Damion Ryan (Bellarmine) 2-3 (Fall 4:38)

7th Place Match - Davian Guanajuato (SIUE) 5-5 won by decision over Brandon Morvari (Minnesota) 4-4 (Dec 1-0)


1st Place Match - Dominick Serrano (Northern Colorado) 3-0 won by decision over Tyler Wells (Minnesota) 8-1 (Dec 4-1)

3rd Place Match - Kade Moore (Missouri) 5-6 won by fall over Andrew Crapps (Missouri) 5-3 (Fall 1:56)

5th Place Match - Marcel Lopez (SIUE) 4-7 won by decision over Lucian Brink (Northern Illinois ) 5-5 (Dec 2-1)

7th Place Match - Mikai Alirez (Northern Colorado) 2-2 won by forfeit over Trayce Eckman (Bellarmine) 1-2 (For.)


1st Place Match - Vance Vombaur (Minnesota) 11-0 won by decision over Josh Edmond (Missouri) 7-4 (Dec 4-3)

3rd Place Match - Jacob Brya (Northern Illinois ) 4-1 won by major decision over Easton Hilton (Missouri) 5-3 (MD 15-5)

5th Place Match - Ben Lunn (SIUE) 11-5 won by fall over Rhett Koenig (Minnesota) 8-5 (Fall 1:58)

7th Place Match - Owen Uhls (Missouri) 6-2 won by decision over Armando Garcia (Northern Colorado) 1-3 (Dec 11-4)


1st Place Match - Drew Roberts (Minnesota) 8-0 won by major decision over Benji Alanis (Northern Colorado) 2-1 (MD 12-1)

3rd Place Match - Zeke Seltzer (Missouri) 16-3 won in sudden victory - 1 over Hayden Whidden (SIUE) 5-6 (SV-1 4-1)

5th Place Match - Jake Harrier (Illinois) 3-2 won by fall over Eric Almarinez (SIUE) 6-7 (Fall 4:35)

7th Place Match - Rudy Lopez (Northern Colorado) 2-2 won by decision over kyle lew (Little Rock) 1-3 (Dec 6-4)


1st Place Match - Tommy Askey (Minnesota) 10-0 won by major decision over James Conway (Missouri) 6-7 (MD 13-4)

3rd Place Match - Vinny Zerban (Northern Colorado) 4-1 won by tech fall over Joel Mylin (Missouri) 4-6 (TF-1.5 5:17 (19-4))

5th Place Match - Landen Johnson (Northern Illinois ) 5-7 won by tech fall over Ryan Bennett (Illinois) 3-3 (TF-1.5 4:22 (16-1))

7th Place Match - Bronson Baxter (Little Rock) 2-2 won by forfeit over Brody Hallin (Northern Illinois ) 1-5 (For.)


1st Place Match - Andrew Sparks (Minnesota) 11-1 won by decision over Clayton Ulrey (Northern Colorado) 2-1 (Dec 5-0)

3rd Place Match - Blaine Brenner (Minnesota) 7-3 won by decision over Cole Nance (Bellarmine) 2-2 (Dec 14-7)

5th Place Match - Brett Smith (Northern Illinois ) 6-7 won by decision over Bradley Gillum (SIUE) 3-8 (Dec 2-1)

7th Place Match - Austin Keal (Little Rock) 2-2 won by decision over Caden Ernd (Illinois) 1-3 (Dec 10-7)


1st Place Match - Clayton Whiting (Minnesota) 6-3 won by decision over Ethan Riddle (Minnesota) 8-2 (Dec 4-1)

3rd Place Match - Grant O`Dell (Bellarmine) 3-1 won by major decision over Logan Cole (Missouri) 5-5 (MD 11-1)

5th Place Match - kodiak cannedy (Little Rock) 3-2 won by fall over Jake Stoffel (Missouri) 2-6 (Fall 3:33)

7th Place Match - Jake Evans (Northern Illinois ) 1-6 won by fall over Kameron Phillips (Northern Colorado) 1-3 (Fall 3:53)


1st Place Match - Max McEnelly (Minnesota) 10-0 won by major decision over Triston Wills (Little Rock) 3-1 (MD 12-3)

3rd Place Match - AJ Heeg (Northern Colorado) 4-1 won by decision over Devan Hendricks (Bellarmine) 2-2 (Dec 4-1)

5th Place Match - Branson Britten (Little Rock) 2-2 won by decision over Dylan Connell (Illinois) 3-3 (Dec 7-0)

7th Place Match - Jack Ring (Bellarmine) 2-2 won by decision over Sam Schroeder (Bellarmine) 0-3 (Dec 7-6)


1st Place Match - Gavin Nelson (Minnesota) 10-0 won by fall over Andrew Donahue (Northern Colorado) 2-1 (Fall 5:55)

3rd Place Match - Gabe Nagel (Minnesota) 9-1 won by decision over Nick Nosler (SIUE) 6-5 (Dec 10-3)

5th Place Match - Andrew Liber (Bellarmine) 3-2 won by decision over Tyler Perry (Northern Colorado) 3-3 (Dec 6-3)

7th Place Match - Spencer Mooberry (Northern Illinois ) 4-3 won by fall over Jesse Cassatt (Missouri) 6-6 (Fall 1:42)


1st Place Match - Jarrett Stoner (Missouri) 13-2 won by decision over Bennett Tabor (Minnesota) 6-3 (Dec 4-2)

3rd Place Match - Daulton Mayer (Bellarmine) 4-1 won by decision over Bryson Buhk (SIUE) 4-5 (Dec 8-5)

5th Place Match - Jacob Christensen (Northern Illinois ) 4-4 won by decision over Keith Miley (Little Rock) 1-3 (Dec 4-2)

7th Place Match - Kaden Darwin (Little Rock) 1-2 won by decision over Remington Peterson (Northern Colorado) 0-3 (Dec 10-4)

Semifinal Results


Stevo Poulin (Northern Colorado) 2-1 won by decision over Blake West (Northern Illinois ) 8-3 (Dec 4-0)

Cooper Flynn (Minnesota) 9-1 won by decision over Noah Surtin (Missouri) 3-2 (Dec 8-2)


Tyler Wells (Minnesota) 8-1 won by decision over Andrew Crapps (Missouri) 5-3 (Dec 7-0)

Dominick Serrano (Northern Colorado) 3-0 won by decision over Kade Moore (Missouri) 5-6 (Dec 11-6)


Vance Vombaur (Minnesota) 11-0 won by major decision over Easton Hilton (Missouri) 5-3 (MD 17-4)

Josh Edmond (Missouri) 7-4 won by decision over Jacob Brya (Northern Illinois ) 4-1 (Dec 11-5)


Drew Roberts (Minnesota) 8-0 won by decision over Jake Harrier (Illinois) 3-2 (Dec 11-4)

Benji Alanis (Northern Colorado) 2-1 won by decision over Hayden Whidden (SIUE) 5-6 (Dec 157

Tommy Askey (Minnesota) 10-0 won by decision over Joel Mylin (Missouri) 4-6 (Dec 7-2)

James Conway (Missouri) 6-7 won in sudden victory - 1 over Vinny Zerban (Northern Colorado) 4-1 (SV-1 4-1)


Andrew Sparks (Minnesota) 11-1 won by decision over Cole Nance (Bellarmine) 2-2 (Dec 11-4)

Clayton Ulrey (Northern Colorado) 2-1 won by decision over Blaine Brenner (Minnesota) 7-3 (Dec 8-5)


Clayton Whiting (Minnesota) 6-3 won by decision over Grant O`Dell (Bellarmine) 3-1 (Dec 3-1)

Ethan Riddle (Minnesota) 8-2 won by major decision over Logan Cole (Missouri) 5-5 (MD 11-1)


Max McEnelly (Minnesota) 10-0 won by tech fall over Devan Hendricks (Bellarmine) 2-2 (TF-1.5 6:34 (23-8))

Triston Wills (Little Rock) 3-1 won by decision over Branson Britten (Little Rock) 2-2 (Dec 8-5)


Gavin Nelson (Minnesota) 10-0 won by decision over Nick Nosler (SIUE) 6-5 (Dec 7-2)

Andrew Donahue (Northern Colorado) 2-1 won by fall over Gabe Nagel (Minnesota) 9-1 (Fall 2:39)


Bennett Tabor (Minnesota) 6-3 won in sudden victory - 1 over Keith Miley (Little Rock) 1-3 (SV-1 9-0)

Jarrett Stoner (Missouri) 13-2 won in sudden victory - 1 over Jacob Christensen (Northern Illinois ) 4-4 (SV-1 4-1)

Quarterfinal Results


Stevo Poulin (Northern Colorado) 2-1 won by major decision over Mack Mauger (Missouri) 5-4 (MD 16-2)

Blake West (Northern Illinois ) 8-3 won by decision over Davian Guanajuato (SIUE) 5-5 (Dec 5-0)

Noah Surtin (Missouri) 3-2 won by tech fall over Jack Parker (Bellarmine) 0-2 (TF-1.5 4:46 (18-3))

Cooper Flynn (Minnesota) 9-1 won by fall over Anthonty Ruzic (Illinois) 1-2 (Fall 4:57)


Tyler Wells (Minnesota) 8-1 won by tech fall over Mikai Alirez (Northern Colorado) 2-2 (TF-1.5 6:32 (18-3))

Andrew Crapps (Missouri) 5-3 won by fall over Marcel Lopez (SIUE) 4-7 (Fall 6:51)

Kade Moore (Missouri) 5-6 won by major decision over Lucian Brink (Northern Illinois ) 5-5 (MD 12-2)

Dominick Serrano (Northern Colorado) 3-0 won by medical forfeit over Trayce Eckman (Bellarmine) 1-2 (MFFL)


Vance Vombaur (Minnesota) 11-0 won by fall over Owen Uhls (Missouri) 6-2 (Fall 5:55)

Easton Hilton (Missouri) 5-3 won by decision over Danny Martinez (SIUE) 5-5 (Dec 9-7)

Jacob Brya (Northern Illinois ) 4-1 won by tech fall over Rhett Koenig (Minnesota) 8-5 (TF-1.5 7:00 (15-0))

Josh Edmond (Missouri) 7-4 won by tech fall over Armando Garcia (Northern Colorado) 1-3 (TF-1.5 4:28 (24-7))


Drew Roberts (Minnesota) 8-0 won by tech fall over Cade Gilbert (Little Rock) 0-2 (TF-1.5 4:29 (18-3))

Jake Harrier (Illinois) 3-2 won by major decision over Eric Almarinez (SIUE) 6-7 (MD 13-4)

Hayden Whidden (SIUE) 5-6 won by decision over Collin Arch (Northern Illinois ) 1-5 (Dec 5-1)

Benji Alanis (Northern Colorado) 2-1 won by major decision over Zeke Seltzer (Missouri) 16-3 (MD 10-1)


Tommy Askey (Minnesota) 10-0 won by major decision over Cody Wagner (Little Rock) 0-2 (MD 13-2)

Joel Mylin (Missouri) 4-6 won by decision over Brody Hallin (Northern Illinois ) 1-5 (Dec 8-2)

James Conway (Missouri) 6-7 won by major decision over Ryan Bennett (Illinois) 3-3 (MD 13-1)

Vinny Zerban (Northern Colorado) 4-1 won by tech fall over Bronson Baxter (Little Rock) 2-2 (TF-1.5 3:35 (19-4))


Andrew Sparks (Minnesota) 11-1 won by tech fall over Nico Lozano (Little Rock) 0-2 (TF-1.5 6:24 (20-3))

Cole Nance (Bellarmine) 2-2 won by fall over Caden Ernd (Illinois) 1-3 (Fall 4:36)

Clayton Ulrey (Northern Colorado) 2-1 won by tech fall over Bradley Gillum (SIUE) 3-8 (TF-1.5 7:00 (20-4))

Blaine Brenner (Minnesota) 7-3 won by major decision over Hayden Shepherd (SIUE) 1-2 (MD 10-1)


Clayton Whiting (Minnesota) 6-3 won by major decision over Tommy Bennett (Northern Illinois ) 2-4 (MD 13-3)

Grant O`Dell (Bellarmine) 3-1 won in tie breaker - 2 over Jake Stoffel (Missouri) 2-6 (TB-2 3-1)

Logan Cole (Missouri) 5-5 won by decision over Jake Evans (Northern Illinois ) 1-6 (Dec 4-0)

Ethan Riddle (Minnesota) 8-2 won by tech fall over Hayden Trezek (SIUE) 4-5 (TF-1.5 5:34 (19-4))


Max McEnelly (Minnesota) 10-0 won by tech fall over AJ Heeg (Northern Colorado) 4-1 (TF-1.5 5:04 (21-4))

Devan Hendricks (Bellarmine) 2-2 won in sudden victory - 1 over Deron Pulliam (SIUE) 2-7 (SV-1 8-1)

Branson Britten (Little Rock) 2-2 won by major decision over Dylan Connell (Illinois) 3-3 (MD 10-2)

Triston Wills (Little Rock) 3-1 won by major decision over Sam Schroeder (Bellarmine) 0-3 (MD 14-3)


Gavin Nelson (Minnesota) 10-0 won by major decision over Andrew Liber (Bellarmine) 3-2 (MD 11-2)

Nick Nosler (SIUE) 6-5 won by decision over Jesse Cassatt (Missouri) 6-6 (Dec 4-0)

Andrew Donahue (Northern Colorado) 2-1 won by major decision over Spencer Mooberry (Northern Illinois ) 4-3 (MD 13-5)

Gabe Nagel (Minnesota) 9-1 won by major decision over Tyler Perry (Northern Colorado) 3-3 (MD 11-3)


Bennett Tabor (Minnesota) 6-3 won by major decision over Remington Peterson (Northern Colorado) 0-3 (MD 15-1)

Keith Miley (Little Rock) 1-3 won by fall over Daulton Mayer (Bellarmine) 4-1 (Fall 1:35)

Jacob Christensen (Northern Illinois ) 4-4 won by decision over Marko Ivanisevic (Illinois) 0-2 (Dec 4-2)

Jarrett Stoner (Missouri) 13-2 won by decision over Kaden Darwin (Little Rock) 1-2 (Dec 4-0)

Round of 16 Results


Mack Mauger (Missouri) 5-4 won by decision over Damion Ryan (Bellarmine) 2-3 (Dec 5-2)

Blake West (Northern Illinois ) 8-3 won by decision over Brandon Morvari (Minnesota) 4-4 (Dec 4-0)

Noah Surtin (Missouri) 3-2 won by fall over Marcus Williams (Little Rock) 0-2 (Fall 0:54)

Anthonty Ruzic (Illinois) 1-2 won by decision over Deion Johnson (SIUE) 9-6 (Dec 5-4)


Trayce Eckman (Bellarmine) 1-2 won by fall over Brian Beers (Illinois) 0-2 (Fall 2:27)


Owen Uhls (Missouri) 6-2 won by tech fall over Jackson Herman (Illinois) 0-2 (TF-1.5 5:22 (18-2))

Danny Martinez (SIUE) 5-5 won by fall over Marco Dalakishvili (Little Rock) 0-2 (Fall 2:22)

Rhett Koenig (Minnesota) 8-5 won in sudden victory - 1 over Ben Lunn (SIUE) 11-5 (SV-1 4-1)


Drew Roberts (Minnesota) 8-0 won by decision over Alec Peralta (SIUE) 12-9 (Dec 8-1)

Jake Harrier (Illinois) 3-2 won by decision over Rudy Lopez (Northern Colorado) 2-2 (Dec 6-5)

Collin Arch (Northern Illinois ) 1-5 won by decision over Zac Cowan (Bellarmine) 0-2 (Dec 8-6)

Zeke Seltzer (Missouri) 16-3 won by major decision over kyle lew (Little Rock) 1-3 (MD 17-5)


Tommy Askey (Minnesota) 10-0 won by decision over jeb prechtel (Bellarmine) 0-2 (Dec 6-5)

Joel Mylin (Missouri) 4-6 won by major decision over Gray Ortis (Bellarmine) 0-2 (MD 11-1)

James Conway (Missouri) 6-7 won by tech fall over Charlie Fifield (Illinois) 1-2 (TF-1.5 5:23 (18-3))

Ryan Bennett (Illinois) 3-3 won by decision over Braxton Strick (SIUE) 9-4 (Dec 8-2)

Vinny Zerban (Northern Colorado) 4-1 won by major decision over Landen Johnson (Northern Illinois ) 5-7 (MD 17-3)


Andrew Sparks (Minnesota) 11-1 won by tech fall over Austin Keal (Little Rock) 2-2 (TF-1.5 6:00 (20-3))

Caden Ernd (Illinois) 1-3 won by decision over Kilian Schultz (Northern Colorado) 0-2 (Dec 3-0)

Blaine Brenner (Minnesota) 7-3 won by major decision over Brett Smith (Northern Illinois ) 6-7 (MD 10-2)


Tommy Bennett (Northern Illinois ) 2-4 won by decision over kodiak cannedy (Little Rock) 3-2 (Dec 6-4)

Ethan Riddle (Minnesota) 8-2 won by fall over Kameron Phillips (Northern Colorado) 1-3 (Fall 2:38)


Deron Pulliam (SIUE) 2-7 won by major decision over Jake Stacey (Little Rock) 0-2 (MD 13-2)

Dylan Connell (Illinois) 3-3 won by decision over Jack Ring (Bellarmine) 2-2 (Dec 5-1)

Triston Wills (Little Rock) 3-1 won by fall over Austin Stewart (Northern Illinois ) 1-4 (Fall 2:05)


Gavin Nelson (Minnesota) 10-0 won by fall over Franklin Cruz (Northern Colorado) 0-1 (Fall 6:38)

Jesse Cassatt (Missouri) 6-6 won by decision over Kennedy Wyatt (Bellarmine) 0-2 (Dec 4-4)

Spencer Mooberry (Northern Illinois ) 4-3 won by major decision over evan grazzini (Bellarmine) 0-2 (MD 16-7)

Tyler Perry (Northern Colorado) 3-3 won by major decision over Sean Carroll (Northern Illinois ) 0-2 (MD 9-0)


Daulton Mayer (Bellarmine) 4-1 won by fall over Bryson Buhk (SIUE) 4-5 (Fall 7:00)