2025 Doc Buchanan Wrestling Tournament Entry List & Brackets
2025 Doc Buchanan Wrestling Tournament Entry List & Brackets
The Doc Buchanan Wrestling Tournament goes down January 3-4 in Clovis, California. Here's everyone who's registered for this year's event.

Each year, the Doc Buchanan wrestling tournament rings in the new year for the high school wrestling world. This year's tournament is elite as usual. Over 40 nationally ranked wrestlers will compete along with dozens more wrestlers who are knocking on the door of a national ranking. Before the action gets underway January 3-4, check out a list of everyone who's competing this year. Nationally ranked wrestlers are listed at the top.
2025 Doc Buchanan Wrestling Brackets
Brackets will be available on FloArena.
Over 40 Nationally Ranked Wrestlers!
109 lbs - #2 Samuel Sanchez, Esperanza (9th grade)
109 lbs - #8 Teequavious Mills, Mill Creek (GA) (11th grade)
116 lbs - #4 Henry Aslikyan, Birmingham (11th grade)
123 lbs - #4 Landon Sidun, Norwin (PA) (10th grade)
129 lbs - #8 Antonio Mills, Mill Creek (GA) (11th grade)
129 lbs - #9 Ronnie Ramirez, Walnut (12th grade)
129 lbs - #10 Mason Carlson, Syracuse (UT) (11th grade)
129 lbs - #11 Antonio Rodriguez, Los Gatos (11th grade)
129 lbs - #16 Isaiah Cortez, Gilroy (12th grade)
129 lbs - #17 Edwin Sierra, Poway (12th grade)
135 lbs - #5 Moses Mendoza, Gilroy (11th grade)
135 lbs - #7 Manuel Saldate, SLAM Academy (NV) (12th grade)
135 lbs - #12 Deven Casey, Immaculate Conception (IL) (12th grade)
141 lbs - #3 Sergio Vega, Sunnyside (AZ) (12th grade)
141 lbs - #12 Jesse Grajeda, St. John Bosco (10th grade)
141 lbs - #13 Elijah Cortez, Gilroy (12th grade)
141 lbs - #18 Drake Hooiman, SLAM Academy (NV) (11th grade)
147 lbs - #2 Nikade Zinkin, Clovis (12th grade)
147 lbs - #4 Joseph Toscano, Buchanan (11th grade)
147 lbs - #9 Carlos Stanton, Jr. Sunnyside (AZ) (12th grade)
147 lbs - #14 Drew Gorman, Buford (GA) (12th grade)
147 lbs - #15 Noah Bull, Layton (UT) (11th grade)
147 lbs - #17 Michael Romero, St. John Bosco (10th grade)
147 lbs - #19 Derek Barrows, Pomona (CO) (11th grade)
153 lbs - #1 Daniel Zepeda, Gilroy (12th grade)
153 lbs - #7 Noah Nininger, Stauton River (VA) (12th grade)
153 lbs - #16 Travis Cardenas, Chandler (AZ) (11th grade)
153 lbs - #20 Jason Worthley, Westfield (UT) (12th grade)
160 lbs - #16 Leo Contino, Buchanan (12th grade)
168 lbs - #4 Joseph Antonio, St. John Bosco (12th grade)
168 lbs - #6 Dominic Bambinelli, Mill Creek (GA) (12th grade)
168 lbs - #10 Bradlee Farrer, Pleasant Grove (UT) (12th grade)
168 lbs - #15 Travis Grace, Gilroy (11th grade)
168 lbs - #16 Mario Carini, Poway (10th grade)
178 lbs - #13 Peyton Westpfahl, Liberty ((MO)th grade)
178 lbs - #17 Adrien Reyes, Clovis (12th grade)
193 lbs - #13 Brokton Borelli, Los Banos (12th grade)
193 lbs - #14 Levi Bussey, Granite Bay (12th grade)
218 lbs - #3 Angelo Posada, Poway (12th grade)
218 lbs - #9 Melvin Whitehead, lll Liberty (NV) (12th grade)
218 lbs - #11 Khale McDonnell, Fountain Valley (12th grade)
218 lbs - #19 Dominic Wilson, Tulare Union (12th grade)
288 lbs - #9 Coby Merrill, JW North (11th grade)
288 lbs - #19 Trayvn Boger, South Summit (UT) (11th grade)
Complete Registration List
109 lbs - #2 Samuel Sanchez, Esperanza (9th grade)
109 lbs - #8 Teequavious Mills, Mill Creek (GA) (11th grade)
109 lbs - Ty Carman, Herrimann (UT)
109 lbs - Anthony Garza, Clovis (10th grade)
109 lbs - Onofre Gonzales, Ponderosa (CO) (9th grade)
109 lbs - Nathaniel Granados, Merced (12th grade)
109 lbs - Kacen Jones, Corner Canyon (UT) (10th grade)
109 lbs - Antonio Quiroz, SLAM Academy (NV) (12th grade)
109 lbs - Jax Vang, Buchanan (9th grade)
109 lbs - Rowdy Angst, Liberty (MO) (9th grade)
109 lbs - Mike Bird, Immaculate Conception (IL) (9th grade)
109 lbs - Luca Butera, Norwin (PA) (11th grade)
109 lbs - Gabriel Camacho, Pitman
109 lbs - David Chacon, Buchanan (11th grade)
109 lbs - Arcadius Cruz, Orting (WA) (9th grade)
109 lbs - Kingston Cruzat, Folsom (11th grade)
109 lbs - Xavier Garcia, Clovis West (10th grade)
109 lbs - Phillip Green, Clovis (9th grade)
109 lbs - Logan Hansen, Royal (12th grade)
109 lbs - Mas Hatano, Folsom (12th grade)
109 lbs - Caden Herrera, Bakersfield (10th grade)
109 lbs - Malik Hoskins, Sunnyside (AZ) (9th grade)
109 lbs - Michael Kowalski, Layton (UT) (11th grade)
109 lbs - Declan Leonard, Del Oro (10th grade)
109 lbs - William Leyva, Paloma Valley (11th grade)
109 lbs - Eli Medoza, Gilroy (9th grade)
109 lbs - Kaden Oldroyd, Westlake (UT) (10th grade)
109 lbs - Christopher Qureshi, Fountain Valley (11th grade)
109 lbs - Jorge Rios, St. John Bosco
109 lbs - MJ Rundell, Oak Park River Forest (IL) (10th grade)
109 lbs - Alex Salas, Matilda Torres (11th grade)
109 lbs - Tyler Sweet, Clovis North (9th grade)
109 lbs - Lincoln Valdez, Pomona
109 lbs - Julius Villamil, Poway (9th grade)
109 lbs - Rikki Villasenor, Newport Harbor (11th grade)
116 lbs - #4 Henry Aslikyan, Birmingham (11th grade)
116 lbs - Zachary Hoover, Laguna
116 lbs - Gabriel Ramirez, Canyon View (AZ) (12th grade)
116 lbs - Paul Ruiz, Buchanan (9th grade)
116 lbs - Jadyn Wren, Clovis East (11th grade)
116 lbs - Aiden Bastian, Layton (UT) (12th grade)
116 lbs - Chulhs Bates, Del Norte (11th grade)
116 lbs - Anthony Casillo, Central (12th grade)
116 lbs - Rene Cordero, Poway (10th grade)
116 lbs - Drew Dawson, Roseburg (OR) (11th grade)
116 lbs - Logan Dellow, Pomona (CO) (10th grade)
116 lbs - Perry Fowler, Syracuse (UT) (10th grade)
116 lbs - Aiden Garcia, Palma (10th grade)
116 lbs - Blake Hawkins, Eaton (CO) (12th grade)
116 lbs - Jonathan Jasso, Tulare
116 lbs - Hunter Jauregui, Fountain Valley (11th grade)
116 lbs - Darion Johnson, West Linn (OR) (9th grade)
116 lbs - Coleton Klipa, Norwin (PA) (9th grade)
116 lbs - Destin Maestas, SLAM Academy (NV) (11th grade)
116 lbs - Carlos Melgoza, Kingsburg (11th grade)
116 lbs - Aaron Meza, St. John Bosco
116 lbs - Fransisco Miranda, Sunnyside (AZ) (11th grade)
116 lbs - Nate Mitchell, Del Oro (10th grade)
116 lbs - Max Murillo, Esperanza (10th grade)
116 lbs - Trajan Pannell, Los Gatos (9th grade)
116 lbs - Gavin Pongsai, Gilroy (10th grade)
116 lbs - Shalveen Prasaad, Pitman
116 lbs - Alex Ramos, Clovis West (10th grade)
116 lbs - Giovanni Rivera, Sunnyside (AZ) (9th grade)
116 lbs - Jacob Rodriguez, Clovis North (9th grade)
116 lbs - Steve Romero, Toppenish (WA) (11th grade)
116 lbs - Zachary Samano, Chino (10th grade)
116 lbs - Gavin Shelton, Liberty (MO) (10th grade)
116 lbs - Issac Torrez, St. John Bosco (11th grade)
116 lbs - Kel Unrein, Fruita Monument (CO) (10th grade)
116 lbs - Drake VomBaur, Severance (CO) (10th grade)
116 lbs - Hudson York, Corner Canyon (UT) (12th grade)
123 lbs - #4 Landon Sidun, Norwin (PA) (10th grade)
123 lbs - Lander Bosh, Layton (UT) (11th grade)
123 lbs - Isaiah Jones, Bixby (OK) (11th grade)
123 lbs - Czar Quintanilla, University (WA) (11th grade)
123 lbs - Caleb Rivas, Mission Oak (12th grade)
123 lbs - Mikey Ruiz, Randall (TX) (11th grade)
123 lbs - Paulo Valdez, Hesperia (12th grade)
123 lbs - Rocklin Zinkin, Buchanan (11th grade)
123 lbs - Kaleb Blackner, Roy (UT) (11th grade)
123 lbs - Marcello Calavitta, Esperanza (10th grade)
123 lbs - Jamiel Castleberry, Oak Park River Forest (IL) (10th grade)
123 lbs - Anthony Cruz, Folsom (11th grade)
123 lbs - Uriel Cruz, Paloma Valley (11th grade)
123 lbs - Emilio Escobar, Granite Hills-El Cajon (11th grade)
123 lbs - Trevan Eugenio, Birmingham (12th grade)
123 lbs - Jaxon Felker, Severance (CO) (9th grade)
123 lbs - Brayden Fudolig, Silverado (NV) (12th grade)
123 lbs - Brandon Gamino, Sanger (12th grade)
123 lbs - Christian Garcia, Walnut (12th grade)
123 lbs - Andrew Gomez, Porterville (11th grade)
123 lbs - Kannon Judycki, Immaculate Conception (IL) (10th grade)
123 lbs - Aaron Klein, Poway (11th grade)
123 lbs - Diesel Knudsen, Westfield (UT) (9th grade)
123 lbs - Jose Limones, Gilroy (11th grade)
123 lbs - Chris Lopez, Sunnyside (AZ) (12th grade)
123 lbs - Caine Martin, Camarillo (10th grade)
123 lbs - Xamian Munoz, Brawley (11th grade)
123 lbs - Jayden Olivas, Clovis East (11th grade)
123 lbs - Jack Olsen, Roseburg (OR) (10th grade)
123 lbs - JR Ortega, Grandview (CO) (10th grade)
123 lbs - Ricardo Ortiz, Brawley (11th grade)
123 lbs - Alijah Ortiz, Clovis North (12th grade)
123 lbs - Christian Perez, Del Oro (11th grade)
123 lbs - Will Pfeifer, Liberty (MO) (11th grade)
123 lbs - Cairo Plascencia, Central (12th grade)
123 lbs - Zaidyn Quinonez, Pomona
123 lbs - Jesse Quiroz, Jr. Roosevelt-Eastvale (10th grade)
123 lbs - Liam Qureshi, Fountain Valley (11th grade)
123 lbs - Corbyn Robison, Westlake (UT) (11th grade)
123 lbs - Isaac Ronquillo, Bakersfield (12th grade)
123 lbs - Luke Schoch, Los Gatos (9th grade)
123 lbs - Tanner Telford, Corner Canyon (UT) (10th grade)
123 lbs - Santana Ugues, Arvin (12th grade)
123 lbs - Jeremiah Waldschmidt, Ponderosa (CO) (10th grade)
123 lbs - David Wheeler, West Linn (OR) (12th grade)
123 lbs - Sean Willcox, St. John Bosco (11th grade)
129 lbs - #8 Antonio Mills, Mill Creek (GA) (11th grade)
129 lbs - #9 Ronnie Ramirez, Walnut (12th grade)
129 lbs - #10 Mason Carlson, Syracuse (UT) (11th grade)
129 lbs - #11 Antonio Rodriguez, Los Gatos (11th grade)
129 lbs - #16 Isaiah Cortez, Gilroy (12th grade)
129 lbs - #17 Edwin Sierra, Poway (12th grade)
129 lbs - Brenden Agcaoili, SLAM Academy (NV) (11th grade)
129 lbs - Devon Harrison, Liberty (MO) (12th grade)
129 lbs - Slater Hicks, Valencia (10th grade)
129 lbs - Che Jenkins, Sunnyside (AZ) (12th grade)
129 lbs - Thunder Lewis, Clovis (11th grade)
129 lbs - Siraj Sidhu, Del Oro (11th grade)
129 lbs - Damian Arreola, Granite Hills-El Cajon (11th grade)
129 lbs - Marcus Bekkedahl, Poudre (CO) (12th grade)
129 lbs - Brooks Blasko, Norwin (PA) (10th grade)
129 lbs - Nathan Carillo, St. John Bosco (11th grade)
129 lbs - Max Cumbee, Immaculate Conception (IL) (10th grade)
129 lbs - Chase Dyer, Bixby (OK) (11th grade)
129 lbs - Carlo Gutierrez, Buchanan (11th grade)
129 lbs - Brakstyn Herrera, Sierra Pacific (10th grade)
129 lbs - Quinton Hull, Clovis West (11th grade)
129 lbs - Rocky Humphrey, Sultana (12th grade)
129 lbs - Caleb Jackson, Pleasant Grove (UT) (12th grade)
129 lbs - Robert Jones, Poway (12th grade)
129 lbs - Zachary Klarcyk, Porterville (12th grade)
129 lbs - Matthew Ben Krawczenko, Canyon View (AZ) (11th grade)
129 lbs - Jonathan Madera, Chino (11th grade)
129 lbs - Kekoa Ogawa, Central Catholic (12th grade)
129 lbs - Isaiah Rios, Toppenish (WA) (10th grade)
129 lbs - Sammy Sanchez, Cheyenne East (WY) (11th grade)
129 lbs - Jack Simpson, Ponderosa (CO) (10th grade)
129 lbs - Justin Torres, Brawley (11th grade)
129 lbs - Troy Torres, Fountain Valley (12th grade)
129 lbs - Blake Trelles, Clovis North (11th grade)
129 lbs - Arno Vardanyan, Birmingham (11th grade)
129 lbs - Silas Varner, Bakersfield (11th grade)
129 lbs - RJ Wilharm, Pitman
135 lbs - #5 Moses Mendoza, Gilroy (11th grade)
135 lbs - #7 Manuel Saldate, SLAM Academy (NV) (12th grade)
135 lbs - #12 Deven Casey, Immaculate Conception (IL) (12th grade)
135 lbs - Ashton Besmer, Buchanan (11th grade)
135 lbs - Adyn Bostick, Sunnyside (AZ) (12th grade)
135 lbs - Christian Fretwell, Lake Gibson (FL) (12th grade)
135 lbs - Leo Macias, Kingsburg (12th grade)
135 lbs - Aaron Silva, Corona Del Mar (11th grade)
135 lbs - Billy Townson, Poway (12th grade)
135 lbs - Justyce Zuniga, Toppenish (WA) (11th grade)
135 lbs - Roman Arakelyan, Birmingham (11th grade)
135 lbs - Diego Arias, Brawley (12th grade)
135 lbs - Chris Arreola, Esperanza
135 lbs - Elijah Banks, Pine Creek (CO) (12th grade)
135 lbs - Daniel Benavides, Highland-Bakersfield (11th grade)
135 lbs - Thomas Blackmon, Ponderosa (CO) (12th grade)
135 lbs - Jaylen Burge, Ponderosa (CO) (11th grade)
135 lbs - Dom Butera, Norwin (PA) (9th grade)
135 lbs - Zavier Cerda, Hoover-Fresno (12th grade)
135 lbs - Ross Davis, Liberty (MO) (9th grade)
135 lbs - Jacob Estrada, Monache (12th grade)
135 lbs - Cole Fenwick, Layton (UT) (12th grade)
135 lbs - Aiden Fernandez, Clovis (10th grade)
135 lbs - Josiah Gonzales, Fort Lupton (CO) (11th grade)
135 lbs - Zaydrein Hernandez, St. John Bosco (11th grade)
135 lbs - Orion Hill, Folsom (10th grade)
135 lbs - Cael Humphrey, Sultana (10th grade)
135 lbs - DILLON IVIE, Altamont (UT) (12th grade)
135 lbs - Zev Koransky, Oak Park River Forest (IL) (11th grade)
135 lbs - Caleb McElroy, Bakersfield (12th grade)
135 lbs - Brady Mercer, Fountain Valley (12th grade)
135 lbs - Bryce Pasvogel, Clovis North (11th grade)
135 lbs - Kozad Porter, Cheyenne East (WY) (10th grade)
135 lbs - Ty Reeves, Poudre (CO) (12th grade)
135 lbs - Keller Roach, Bixby (OK) (11th grade)
135 lbs - Steven Robles, Canyon View (AZ) (9th grade)
135 lbs - Samuel Rosales, Jefferson (CO) (12th grade)
135 lbs - Cameron Rush, Del Oro (11th grade)
135 lbs - Alan Salguero, Jr. Orting (WA) (12th grade)
135 lbs - Zander Schaefer, Clovis (10th grade)
135 lbs - Angel Serrano, Pomona (CO) (11th grade)
135 lbs - Levi Shivers, South Anchorage (AK) (10th grade)
135 lbs - Ryder Sprague, West Linn (OR) (11th grade)
135 lbs - Michael Terrell, Los Gatos (9th grade)
141 lbs - #3 Sergio Vega, Sunnyside (AZ) (12th grade)
141 lbs - #12 Jesse Grajeda, St. John Bosco (10th grade)
141 lbs - #13 Elijah Cortez, Gilroy (12th grade)
141 lbs - #18 Drake Hooiman, SLAM Academy (NV) (11th grade)
141 lbs - Austin Collins, Wray (CO) (11th grade)
141 lbs - Carmine Cruz, Sunnyside (AZ) (10th grade)
141 lbs - Austin Ellis, Davis (UT) (10th grade)
141 lbs - Leo Maestas, Clovis North (12th grade)
141 lbs - Jacob Perez, Monache (12th grade)
141 lbs - Joshua Requena, Camarillo (11th grade)
141 lbs - Geronimo Rivera, Layton (UT) (12th grade)
141 lbs - Paris Ruiz, Buchanan (12th grade)
141 lbs - Blue Stiffler, Mill Creek (GA) (12th grade)
141 lbs - Blake Woodward, Buchanan (11th grade)
141 lbs - Luie Acosta-Tackett, Frontier (12th grade)
141 lbs - Jacob Alvarez, Immaculate Conception (IL) (9th grade)
141 lbs - Curtis Bartley, Del Norte (12th grade)
141 lbs - Teague Brown, Syracuse
141 lbs - Nathan Cauwel, Chino (11th grade)
141 lbs - Gage Chelewski, Fruita Monument (CO) (10th grade)
141 lbs - Bodie Clarke, Clovis West (10th grade)
141 lbs - Nick Dardanes, Brush (CO) (12th grade)
141 lbs - Isaiah Gallegos, Jefferson (CO) (11th grade)
141 lbs - David Griffith, Anderson (11th grade)
141 lbs - Vinnie Gutierrez, Fountain Valley (10th grade)
141 lbs - Emiliano Hernandez, Hesperia (11th grade)
141 lbs - Ames Hoevker, Granite Hills-El Cajon (11th grade)
141 lbs - Hanks Jacobson, American Fork (UT) (11th grade)
141 lbs - Nathan Klingensmith, Norwin (PA) (10th grade)
141 lbs - Joseph Knackstedt, Oak Park River Forest (IL) (12th grade)
141 lbs - Roman Leaton, Roseburg (OR) (12th grade)
141 lbs - Michael Lopez, Jr. Ponderosa (CO) (11th grade)
141 lbs - Jacob Morris, South Anchorage (AK) (10th grade)
141 lbs - Matthew Orbeta, Poway (10th grade)
141 lbs - Gabriel Pacheco, Central Union (10th grade)
141 lbs - Joseph Ramirez, Los Gatos (11th grade)
141 lbs - Alexander Richardson, Henry Foss (WA) (12th grade)
141 lbs - Raymond Rivera, Clovis (11th grade)
141 lbs - James Ruiz, Esperanza (10th grade)
141 lbs - EJ Sheeran, Pitman
141 lbs - Anthony Sifuentes, Toppenish (WA) (10th grade)
141 lbs - Nicholas Spotswood, Folsom (12th grade)
141 lbs - Roman Stewart, Liberty (MO) (10th grade)
141 lbs - Evan Velez, Brawley (12th grade)
147 lbs - #2 Nikade Zinkin, Clovis (12th grade)
147 lbs - #4 Joseph Toscano, Buchanan (11th grade)
147 lbs - #9 Carlos Stanton, Jr. Sunnyside (AZ) (12th grade)
147 lbs - #14 Drew Gorman, Buford (GA) (12th grade)
147 lbs - #15 Noah Bull, Layton (UT) (11th grade)
147 lbs - #17 Michael Romero, St. John Bosco (10th grade)
147 lbs - #19 Derek Barrows, Pomona (CO) (11th grade)
147 lbs - Alex Gutierrez, Central Catholic (11th grade)
147 lbs - Arseni Kikiniou, Poway (10th grade)
147 lbs - Jimmy `Tank` Loya, Fountain Valley
147 lbs - Aidan Arnett, Immaculate Conception (IL) (9th grade)
147 lbs - Jacob Bell, Etiwanda (12th grade)
147 lbs - Mateo Centeno, Esperanza
147 lbs - Logan Crowther, Layton (UT) (12th grade)
147 lbs - Oscar Doces, West Linn (OR) (12th grade)
147 lbs - Layronz Fraser, Granite Hills-El Cajon (12th grade)
147 lbs - Sebastian Garcia, J Serra (10th grade)
147 lbs - Jake Jennings, Clovis West (12th grade)
147 lbs - Mikah Labuanan, Kamehameha (HI) (12th grade)
147 lbs - Gabriel Lemos, Temecula Valley (12th grade)
147 lbs - Jaxon Mackey, Basic (NV) (12th grade)
147 lbs - Clayton McGuire, South Anchorage (AK) (11th grade)
147 lbs - Jaiden Oliver, Lake Gibson (FL) (11th grade)
147 lbs - Mika Ontiveros, Pitman
147 lbs - Elijah Ornelas, Clovis North (9th grade)
147 lbs - Braden Priest, Bakersfield (12th grade)
147 lbs - Daniel Reza, South (12th grade)
147 lbs - Ruben Rios, Toppenish (WA) (11th grade)
147 lbs - Emilio Roybal, SLAM Academy (NV) (11th grade)
147 lbs - Troy Ruiz, Buchanan (10th grade)
147 lbs - Alex Serrano, Gilroy (12th grade)
147 lbs - Evan Suedhoff, Norwin (PA) (10th grade)
147 lbs - Zane Vanhoy, Silverado (NV) (12th grade)
147 lbs - Noah Vazquez, Roosevelt-Eastvale (12th grade)
153 lbs - #1 Daniel Zepeda, Gilroy (12th grade)
153 lbs - #7 Noah Nininger, Stauton River (VA) (12th grade)
153 lbs - #16 Travis Cardenas, Chandler (AZ) (11th grade)
153 lbs - #20 Jason Worthley, Westfield (UT) (12th grade)
153 lbs - Liam Fox, Cheyenne East (WY) (12th grade)
153 lbs - Billy Greenwood, Poudre (CO) (12th grade)
153 lbs - Matthew Luna, St. Francis (12th grade)
153 lbs - Carlos Valdiviezo, Poway (11th grade)
153 lbs - Ivan Arias, Buchanan (11th grade)
153 lbs - Isaac Balden, SLAM Academy (NV) (11th grade)
153 lbs - Jhmai Boyd, Basic (NV) (12th grade)
153 lbs - Leandre Campbell, Lake Gibson (FL) (12th grade)
153 lbs - Aiden Chur, Granite Hills-El Cajon (11th grade)
153 lbs - Max Del, Bosque Clovis North (12th grade)
153 lbs - Tristan Fernandez, Bonita (12th grade)
153 lbs - Josh Fish, Westlake (UT) (12th grade)
153 lbs - Jackson Golding, Bakersfield (11th grade)
153 lbs - Sergio Gomez, St. John Bosco (10th grade)
153 lbs - Tharyn Hausler, Bixby (OK) (12th grade)
153 lbs - Roman Jesse, Gutierrez Bullard (12th grade)
153 lbs - Isaac Johns, Woodford County (KY) (12th grade)
153 lbs - Tege Kelley, American Fork (UT) (12th grade)
153 lbs - Charles Laws-Albano, Canyon View (AZ)
153 lbs - Dimetry Molina, Esperanza (9th grade)
153 lbs - Jonathan Montes, Gonzales Grandview (CO) (11th grade)
153 lbs - Percy Odle, Brush (CO) (12th grade)
153 lbs - David Ogunsanya, Oak Park River Forest (IL) (11th grade)
153 lbs - Brandon Owen, Paloma Valley (11th grade)
153 lbs - Isaac Padilla, Pitman
153 lbs - Paxton Pettinger, Eaton (CO) (10th grade)
153 lbs - Joey Pontrelli, Immaculate Conception (IL) (10th grade)
153 lbs - Eli Reyes, Kingsburg (12th grade)
153 lbs - Dominic Sanchez, Ponderosa (CO) (12th grade)
153 lbs - Ryland Smith, Folsom (12th grade)
153 lbs - Logan Struthers, Clovis (12th grade)
153 lbs - Greg Torosian, Birmingham (10th grade)
153 lbs - Niko Valenzuela, Fountain Valley (12th grade)
153 lbs - Jack White, Norwin (PA) (11th grade)
153 lbs - Payden Woolsey, Corner Canyon (UT) (12th grade)
153 lbs - Kiyanno Zuniga, Toppenish (WA) (12th grade)
160 lbs - #16 Leo Contino, Buchanan (12th grade)
160 lbs - Christopher Creason, El Diamante (12th grade)
160 lbs - Gabriel Delgado, SLAM Academy (NV)
160 lbs - Austin Paris, Grand Country (UT) (11th grade)
160 lbs - Jacob Perez, Alvarez (11th grade)
160 lbs - Beau Priest, Bakersfield (12th grade)
160 lbs - Alias Raby, Anderson (11th grade)
160 lbs - Harrison Smith, Bishop Gorman (NV) (10th grade)
160 lbs - Brayden Carson, St. John Bosco (10th grade)
160 lbs - Anthony Cazares, Gilroy (11th grade)
160 lbs - Korbin Chuchran, Westlake (UT) (12th grade)
160 lbs - Maclain Culp, West Linn (OR) (11th grade)
160 lbs - James Curoso, Clovis (9th grade)
160 lbs - Ben Czarnowski, Immaculate Conception (IL) (11th grade)
160 lbs - Mikel David, Uyemura Fountain Valley (11th grade)
160 lbs - Caden Deines, Thunderridge (CO) (12th grade)
160 lbs - Mark Del, Bosque Clovis North (12th grade)
160 lbs - Tripp DuVall, Holly (CO) (12th grade)
160 lbs - Ian Fritz, Pleasant Grove (UT) (12th grade)
160 lbs - Zane Gerlach, South Anchorage (AK) (10th grade)
160 lbs - Tigran Greyan, St. John Bosco (11th grade)
160 lbs - Ari Hasani, Birmingham (10th grade)
160 lbs - Nick Hernandez, Highland-Bakersfield (12th grade)
160 lbs - Maddox Herrera, Esperanza (12th grade)
160 lbs - Bailey Holman, Poway (10th grade)
160 lbs - Gunner Lopez, Grandview (CO) (11th grade)
160 lbs - Hunter Luna, St. Francis (9th grade)
160 lbs - Anthony Manno, Newport Harbor (12th grade)
160 lbs - Emmitt Munson, Pomona
160 lbs - Xadian Padilla, Pitman
160 lbs - Lucas Pannell, Los Gatos (11th grade)
160 lbs - Gavin Regis, Layton (UT) (11th grade)
160 lbs - Tanner Shaffer, Norwin (PA) (11th grade)
160 lbs - Tyson Tran, Granada (12th grade)
160 lbs - DJ Wince, Ponderosa (CO) (12th grade)
168 lbs - #4 Joseph Antonio, St. John Bosco (12th grade)
168 lbs - #6 Dominic Bambinelli, Mill Creek (GA) (12th grade)
168 lbs - #10 Bradlee Farrer, Pleasant Grove (UT) (12th grade)
168 lbs - #15 Travis Grace, Gilroy (11th grade)
168 lbs - #16 Mario Carini, Poway (10th grade)
168 lbs - Kaizen Detoles, Westlake (UT) (11th grade)
168 lbs - Levi Dicugno, Orting (WA) (12th grade)
168 lbs - Gideon Gerber, Oakdale (12th grade)
168 lbs - Brodie Johnson, Pitman
168 lbs - Damian Montoya, Buchanan (12th grade)
168 lbs - Tucker Roybal, Union (UT) (11th grade)
168 lbs - Nate Brown, Immaculate Conception (IL) (12th grade)
168 lbs - Junior Bumanglag, Granite Hills-El Cajon (12th grade)
168 lbs - Santiago Cabrera, SLAM Academy (NV) (9th grade)
168 lbs - Jason Clark, Flowery Branch (GA) (12th grade)
168 lbs - Christopher Galicia, Fort Lupton (CO) (12th grade)
168 lbs - Jose Gatica, Toppenish (WA) (12th grade)
168 lbs - James Holiday, Esperanza (10th grade)
168 lbs - Ray Juarez, Bakersfield (11th grade)
168 lbs - Brett Lamb, Poudre (CO) (12th grade)
168 lbs - Daryn Leon, Brawley (10th grade)
168 lbs - Wyatt Lewis, Clovis (10th grade)
168 lbs - Austin Ley, Brush (CO) (11th grade)
168 lbs - Alexander Ortiz, De La Salle (12th grade)
168 lbs - Daniel Patrick, Roseburg (OR) (10th grade)
168 lbs - Dawsen Pimentel, Layton (UT) (12th grade)
168 lbs - Isaiah Rangel, Palma (12th grade)
168 lbs - Evan Sanchez, Clovis North (12th grade)
168 lbs - Colton Schaad, Del Norte (12th grade)
168 lbs - Slava Shabazyana, Birmingham (11th grade)
168 lbs - Michael Smith, West Linn (OR) (12th grade)
168 lbs - Shephard Stephens, Davis (UT) (10th grade)
168 lbs - Will Stewart, Fruita Monument (CO) (12th grade)
168 lbs - Christian Stoeber, Fountain Valley (10th grade)
168 lbs - Zyon Trujillo, Silverado (NV) (12th grade)
168 lbs - Justice Williams, Liberty (MO) (9th grade)
168 lbs - Kalob Ybarra, Pomona (CO) (11th grade)
178 lbs - #13 Peyton Westpfahl, Liberty
178 lbs - #17 Adrien Reyes, Clovis (12th grade)
178 lbs - Leister Bowling, Mead (CO) (12th grade)
178 lbs - Isai Fernandez, St. John Bosco (9th grade)
178 lbs - Matthew Gazda, Chandler (AZ) (12th grade)
178 lbs - Mason Ontiveros, Pitman
178 lbs - Patrick Roberts, Buchanan (11th grade)
178 lbs - Max Austin, Kingsburg (12th grade)
178 lbs - Gage Brady, Corner Canyon (UT) (10th grade)
178 lbs - Bradley Britt, Silverado (NV) (11th grade)
178 lbs - Logan Bruce, Maria Carrillo (12th grade)
178 lbs - Emerson Claeys, Pomona
178 lbs - Ronin Davis, Liberty-Bakersfield (11th grade)
178 lbs - James Elliott, Bixby (OK) (12th grade)
178 lbs - Yassiel Gonzalez, Sunnyside (AZ) (11th grade)
178 lbs - Charlie Herting, Grandview (CO) (12th grade)
178 lbs - Jude Holiday, Esperanza (10th grade)
178 lbs - Jon Inagaki, Layton (UT) (12th grade)
178 lbs - Brody Kelly, Immaculate Conception (IL) (11th grade)
178 lbs - Ashton Lassig, Temecula Valley (11th grade)
178 lbs - Javon Major, Paloma Valley (12th grade)
178 lbs - Gunnar Neal, Poway (12th grade)
178 lbs - Tyler Rietmann, Roseburg (OR) (12th grade)
178 lbs - Ryker Roundy, Davis (UT) (11th grade)
178 lbs - Riley Shaffer, Norwin (PA) (10th grade)
178 lbs - Vinicius Tome, Stone Ridge Christian (12th grade)
178 lbs - Anthony Vargas, Central (12th grade)
178 lbs - Kaleb Viray, SLAM Academy (NV) (11th grade)
178 lbs - Rocky Windrath, Fountain Valley (11th grade)
193 lbs - #13 Brokton Borelli, Los Banos (12th grade)
193 lbs - #14 Levi Bussey, Granite Bay (12th grade)
193 lbs - Leimana Fager, Corner Canyon (UT) (12th grade)
193 lbs - Lucas Mata, Sunnyside (AZ) (11th grade)
193 lbs - Kage Mir, Bishop Gorman (NV) (12th grade)
193 lbs - Carter Vannest, Pitman
193 lbs - Isaac Barrientos, Immaculate Conception (IL) (9th grade)
193 lbs - Rocco Biasotti, Bellarmine Prep (11th grade)
193 lbs - Santino Brasco, Norwin (PA) (10th grade)
193 lbs - David Calkins, Jr. Liberty-Brentwood (11th grade)
193 lbs - Ethan Caudillo, Buchanan (12th grade)
193 lbs - Jackson Cinfel, Clovis North (12th grade)
193 lbs - Lolo Clark, Clovis (11th grade)
193 lbs - Dom Dotson, Poway (11th grade)
193 lbs - Daniel Frailey, Trabuco Hills (12th grade)
193 lbs - Kaleo Garcia, Gilroy (11th grade)
193 lbs - Matthew Gutierrez, Brawley (12th grade)
193 lbs - Griffin Harper, Flowery Branch (GA) (11th grade)
193 lbs - Elijah Hawes, Layton (UT) (11th grade)
193 lbs - Donovan Hodges, Liberty (MO) (11th grade)
193 lbs - Ryder Hoffschneider, Grandview (CO) (9th grade)
193 lbs - Connor Kennedy, Layton (UT) (11th grade)
193 lbs - Maddux Najera, Pomona
193 lbs - David Rapp, Central (12th grade)
193 lbs - Mason Savidad, St. John Bosco (9th grade)
193 lbs - Ojas Shastri, Los Gatos (11th grade)
193 lbs - Cal Sidwell, Eaton
193 lbs - Dylan Tondreau, SLAM Academy (NV) (12th grade)
193 lbs - De`Alcapon Veazy, Ponderosa (CO) (12th grade)
193 lbs - Brett Williamson, Moorpark (12th grade)
218 lbs - #3 Angelo Posada, Poway (12th grade)
218 lbs - #9 Melvin Whitehead, lll Liberty (NV) (12th grade)
218 lbs - #11 Khale McDonnell, Fountain Valley (12th grade)
218 lbs - #19 Dominic Wilson, Tulare Union (12th grade)
218 lbs - Wes Burford, Oakdale (11th grade)
218 lbs - Jesse Addington, Bakersfield (12th grade)
218 lbs - Emilio Ayala, Kingsburg (11th grade)
218 lbs - Mason Bindel, Liberty (MO) (10th grade)
218 lbs - Foley Calcagno, Immaculate Conception (IL) (11th grade)
218 lbs - Adan Castillo, Clovis (10th grade)
218 lbs - Ross Cinfel, Clovis North (12th grade)
218 lbs - Colton Cook, Westlake (UT) (12th grade)
218 lbs - Preston Dixon, J Serra (12th grade)
218 lbs - Ryan George, Montgomery (12th grade)
218 lbs - Asa Goff, Newport Harbor (12th grade)
218 lbs - Brian Haran, Gilroy (10th grade)
218 lbs - Eric Harris, Oak Park River Forest (IL) (12th grade)
218 lbs - Hayden Martin, South Anchorage (AK) (12th grade)
218 lbs - Jermiah Mora, Pitman
218 lbs - Ethan Naus, Frontier (12th grade)
218 lbs - Billy Petko, Norwin (PA) (12th grade)
218 lbs - Brock Rios, Frontier (12th grade)
218 lbs - Kevin Rodriguez, St. John Bosco (12th grade)
218 lbs - Esteban Sanchez, Granite Hills-El Cajon (12th grade)
218 lbs - Sammy Seja, Buchanan (9th grade)
218 lbs - Noah Watkins, Temecula Valley (12th grade)
288 lbs - #9 Coby Merrill, JW North (11th grade)
288 lbs - #19 Trayvn Boger, South Summit (UT) (11th grade)
288 lbs - Troy Ceja, Pitman
288 lbs - Mark Marin, Clovis (12th grade)
288 lbs - Daniel Moylan, Poway (10th grade)
288 lbs - Anthony Nava, Toppenish (WA) (12th grade)
288 lbs - Kaydon Williams, Corner Canyon (UT) (12th grade)
288 lbs - Devin Alarcon, Clovis North (12th grade)
288 lbs - Andrew Arroyo, Clovis (9th grade)
288 lbs - Trenton Bindel, Liberty (MO) (12th grade)
288 lbs - Beacham Bosh, Grand Country (UT) (12th grade)
288 lbs - Wyatt Buehler, Ponderosa (CO) (12th grade)
288 lbs - Zayne Candeleria, Sunnyside (AZ) (11th grade)
288 lbs - Alexander Carmona, Golden West (12th grade)
288 lbs - Milton Carter, St. John Bosco (11th grade)
288 lbs - Mathew Cooley, Oakdale (10th grade)
288 lbs - Abraham Datte, James Monroe (11th grade)
288 lbs - Leland Day, Grandview (CO) (10th grade)
288 lbs - Justice ElSayad, Temecula Valley (12th grade)
288 lbs - Xander Firm, Sultana
288 lbs - Peter Fulgentes, Royal (12th grade)
288 lbs - Redmond Lindsey, Bixby (OK) (10th grade)
288 lbs - Jackson Reilly, Clovis North (11th grade)
288 lbs - Cooper Rodgers, Buchanan (12th grade)
288 lbs - Jacob Ruacho, Central (12th grade)
288 lbs - Adan Sanchez, Clovis (12th grade)
288 lbs - Anthony Sebastian, Immaculate Conception (IL) (10th grade)
288 lbs - Sebastian Summerville, Norwin (PA) (10th grade)
288 lbs - Ethan Sweet, Layton (UT) (12th grade)
288 lbs - Chad Troxler, Liberty-Bakersfield (12th grade)
288 lbs - Tatum Williams, Fruita Monument (CO) (12th grade)