Indy Nationals '13

Indy Nationals '13

Jan 30, 2013 by Willie Saylor
Indy Nationals '13
Indy Nationals This Weekend!
Willie Saylor, Editor

Indy Nationals is back again. This weekend will offer another edition of one of the top youth tournaments in the country. 

Past champions from Indy Nationals include some of the top stars in the game today: Jesse Thielke (Wisconsin), Sam Brooks (Iowa), Hunter Weber (ND State), Zane Richards (Illinois), and Jake Sueflohn (Nebraska) are well on their way to fine college careers.

Current HS Stars with Indy titles include Brooks Climmons, Mark Hall, Ben Whitford, Sean Russell, and Michael Johnson, Jr.

Action begins at 9AM on Sunday, Feb. 3rd. For more information visit