2015 Senior World Team Trials Results
2015 Senior World Team Trials Results

Sunday World Team Trials Schedule and Results - 5 PM CT WATCH LIVE HERE
Sunday's Best-of-Three Championship Finals
61kg - M1 - Reece Humphrey, NYAC tf. Dan Dennis, Titan Mercury, 12-1
61kg - M2 - Reece Humphrey, NYAC dec. Dan Dennis, Titan Mercury, 2-1
65kg - M1 - Brent Metcalf, NYAC dec. Jordan Oliver, Sunkist Kids, 9-4
65kg - M2 - Brent Metcalf, NYAC dec. Jordan Oliver, Sunkist Kids, 7-0
74kg - M1 - Jordan Burroughs, Sunkist Kids dec. Kyle Dake, Titan Mercury, 6-3
74kg - M2 - Jordan Burroughs, Sunkist Kids tf. Kyle Dake, Titan Mercury, 14-4
97kg - M1 - Kyle Snyder, Titan Mercury dec. Jake Varner, NLWC, 4-1
97kg - M2 - Kyle Snyder, Titan Mercury dec. Jake Varner, NLWC, 3-0
48kg - M1 - Alyssa Lampe, Sunkist Kids dec. Victoria Anthony, Titan Mercury, 9-2
48kg - M2 - Alyssa Lampe, Sunkist Kids dec. Victoria Anthony, Titan Mercury, 10-4
55kg - M1 - Helen Maroulis, Sunkist Kids tf. Sharon Jacobson, WCAP, 12-2
55kg - M2 - Helen Maroulis, Sunkist Kids fall. Sharon Jacobson, WCAP, :38
60kg - M1 - Leigh Provisor, WCAP dec. Jennifer Page, Titan Mercury, 7-5
60kg - M2- Leigh Provisor, WCAP dec. Jennifer Page, Titan Mercury, 8-8
69kg - M1 - Elena Pirozhkova, Titan Mercury tf. Tamyra Menseh, Titan Mercury, 12-2
69kg - M2 - Elena Pirozhkova, Titan Mercury tf. Tamyra Menseh, Titan Mercury, 10-0
Sunday Challenge Tournament Finals:
61kg: Dan Dennis, Titan Mercury dec. Kendric Maple, NYAC, 6-4
65kg: Jordan Oliver, Sunkist Kids dec. Logan Stieber, Titan Mercury, 8-5
74kg: Kyle Dake, Titan Mercury dec. David Taylor, NLWC, 8-2
97kg: Jake Varner, NLWC dec. JD Bergman, NYAC, 2-2
48kg: Alyssa Lampe, Sunkist Kids dec. Clarissa Chun, Sunkist Kids, 7-2
55kg: Helen Maroulis, Sunkist Kids tf. Jacarra Winchester, Titan Mercury, 12-2
60kg: Jennifer Page, Titan Mercury dec. Rachel McFarland, Gator, 3-2
69kg: Tamyra Menseh, Titan Mercury dec. Randi Miller, WCAP, 4-4
Sunday Challenge Semifinals:
61kg: Kendric Maple, NYAC tf. Jon Morrison, Titan Mercury, 11-0
61kg: Dan Dennis, Titan Mercury dec. Coleman Scott, Sunkist Kids, 8-6
65kg: Jordan Oliver, Sunkist Kids dec. Jimmy Kennedy, NYAC, 2-2
65kg: Logan Stieber, Titan Mercury dec.. Kellen Russell, NYAC, 12-4
74kg: David Taylor, NLWC dec. Tyler Caldwell, Sunkist Kids, 5-2
74kg: Kyle Dake, Titan Mercury dec. Andrew Howe, NYAC, 2-1
97kg: Jake Varner, NLWC tf. Dustin Kilgore, Sunkist Kids, 12-0
97kg: JD Bergman, NYAC dec. Enock Francois, NYAC, 5-0
48kg: Alyssa Lampe, Sunkist Kids vs. 48kg: Erin Golston, NYAC
48kg: Clarissa Chun, Sunkist Kids tf. Cody Pfau, Gator, 16-6
55kg: Jacarra Winchester, Titan Mercury tf. Becka Leathers, Gator, 12-2
55kg: Helen Maroulis, Sunkist Kids tf. Sarah Hildebrandt, NYAC, 10-0
60kg: Rachel McFarland, Gator tf. Jenna Burkert, NYAC, 17-6
60kg: Jennifer Page, Titan Mercury dec. Randi Beltz, St. Louis, 6-1
69kg: Randi Miller, WCAP tf. Alexis Porter, NYAC, 13-2
69kg: Tamyra Menseh, Titan Mercury fall. Kayla Aggio, Gator, 1:42
Sunday Challenge Quarterfinals:
61kg: Kendric Maple, NYAC vs. BYE
61kg: Jon Morrison, Titan Mercury dec. Kyle Hutter, Titan Mercury, 4-0
61kg: Dan Dennis, Titan Mercury tf. Joey Lazor, Panther WC, 10-0
61kg: Coleman Scott, Sunkist Kids vs. BYE
65kg: Jordan Oliver, Sunkist Kids tf. Joey McKenna, LVAC, 10-0
65kg: Jimmy Kennedy, NYAC dec. Frank Molinaro, NLWC, 4-2
65kg: Logan Stieber, Titan Mercury dec. Jason Chamberlain, Titan Mercury, 6-4
65kg: Kellen Russell, NYAC fall. Jayson Ness, MN Storm, 4:12
74kg: David Taylor, NLWC vs. BYE
74kg: Tyler Caldwell, Sunkist Kids tf. Anthony Valencia, Sunkist Kids, 12-2
74kg: Kyle Dake, Titan Mercury tf. Colt Sponseller, NYAC, 10-0
74kg: Andrew Howe, NYAC tf. Quinton Godley, Titan Mercury, 12-2
97kg: Jake Varner, NLWC tf. Dave Zabriskie, LVAC, 11-0
97kg: Dustin Kilgore, Sunkist Kids dec. Micah Burak, Titan Mercury, 2-0
97kg: Enock Francois, NYAC dec. Cayle Byers, Titan Mercury, 3-1
97kg: JD Bergman, NYAC dec. Wynn Michalak, Titan Mercury, 5-2
48kg: Alyssa Lampe, Sunkist Kids fall. Candace Workman, Titan Mercury, 1:01
48kg: Erin Golston, NYAC tf. Breonnah Neal, Titan Mercury, 11-0
48kg: Cody Pfau, Gator fall. Amy Golding, ATWA, :57
48kg: Clarissa Chun, Sunkist Kids tf. Allene Somera, OTC, 10-0
55kg: Jacarra Winchester, Titan Mercury dec. Hanna Grisewood, King, 4-1
55kg: Becka Leathers, Gator dec. Kayla Miracle, Sunkist Kids, 4-1
55kg: Helen Maroulis, Sunkist Kids tf. Tarkyia Mensah, Wayland Baptist, 10-0
55kg: Sarah Hildebrandt, NYAC fall. Areana Villaescusa, Rio Rico, 1:06
60kg: Jenna Burkert, NYAC dec. Jessica Kee, King, 3-1
60kg: Rachel McFarland, Gator fall. Lauren Louive, Cumberlands, 5:29
60kg: Randi Beltz, St. Louis dec. Teshya Alo, Titan Mercury, 9-8
60kg: Jennifer Page, Titan Mercury dec. Trinity Griffin, Sunkist Kids, 13-8
69kg: Randi Miller, WCAP tf. Rachel Watters, Gator, 10-0
69kg: Alexis Porter, NYAC dec. Hannah Hall, Campbellsville, 9-2
69kg: Tamyra Menseh, Titan Mercury fall. Lorie Ann Ramos, Titan Mercury, 2:18
69kg: Kayla Aggio, Gator dec. Forrest Molinari, King, 5-2
Saturday World Team Trials Results
Best-of-Three Trials Finals
57kg: M1 - Tony Ramos, Titan Mercury dec. Joe Colon, Titan Mercury, 6-0
57kg: M2 - Tony Ramos, Titan Mercury dec. Joe Colon, Titan Mercury, 3-1
70kg: M1 - James Green, Titan Mercury dec. Dustin Schlatter, MN Storm, 5-0
70kg: M2 - James Green, Titan Mercury dec. Dustin Schlatter, MN Storm, 4-2
86kg - M1 - Jake Herbert, NYAC tf. Ed Ruth, Sunkist Kids, 13-3
86kg - M2 - Jake Herbert, NYAC vs. Ed Ruth, Sunkist Kids, 10-2
125kg - M1 - Tervel Dlagnev, Sunkist Kids dec. Zach Rey, LVAC, 2-1
125kg - M2 - Zach Rey, LVAC dec. Tervel Dlagnev, Sunkist Kids, 4-3
125kg - M3 - Tervel Dlagnev, Sunkist Kids dec. Zach Rey, LVAC, 3-0
53kg - M1 - Whitney Condor, WCAP dec. Michaela Hutchison, Titan Mercury, 8-0
53kg - M2 - Whitney Condor, WCAP tf. Michaela Hutchison, Titan Mercury, 13-0
58kg: M1 - Alli Ragan, NYAC dec. Kelsey Campbell, Sunkist Kids, 3-1
58kg: M2 - Alli Ragan, NYAC fall. Kelsey Campbell, Sunkist Kids, 2:38
63kg - M1 - Amanda Hendey, Titan Mercury fall. Erin Clodgo, Sunkist Kids, 5:01
63kg - M2 - Erin Clodgo, Sunkist Kids dec. Amanda Hendey, Titan Mercury, 2-1
63kg - M3 - Erin Clodgo, Sunkist Kids vs. Amanda Hendey, Titan Mercury
75kg - M1 - Adeline Gray, NYAC fall. Jackie Cataline, Titan Mercury, 2:18
75kg - M2 - Adeline Gray, NYAC tf. Jackie Cataline, Titan Mercury, 10-0
Saturday Challenge Finals:
57kg: Joe Colon, Titan Mercury dec. Angel Escobedo, NYAC, 11-8
86kg: Ed Ruth, Sunkist Kids tf. Keith Gavin, Titan Mercury, 13-2
125kg: Zach Rey, LVAC dec. Dom Bradley, Sunkist Kid, 1-1
53kg: Michaela Hutchison, Titan Mercury fall. Haley Augello, NYAC, :27
63kg: Amanda Hendey, Titan Mercury dec. Shai Mason, Titan Mercury, 11-3
75kg: Jackie Cataline, Titan Mercury fall. Iris Smith, WCAP, 5:10
Saturday Semifinals:
57kg: Angel Escobedo, NYAC dec. Nick Simmons, Sunkist Kids, 4-1
57kg: Joe Colon, Titan Mercury dec. Matt McDonough, Titan Mercury, 17-12
70kg: Dustin Schlatter, MN Storm tf. Derek St. John, Titan Mercury, 10-0
70kg: James Green, Titan Mercury tf. Kevin Levalley, MN Storm, 13-2
86kg: Keith Gavin, Titan Mercury dec. Chris Perry, Titan Mercury, 5-0
86kg: Ed Ruth, Sunkist Kids dec. Jon Reader, Sunkist Kids, 24-18
125kg: Zach Rey, LVAC dec. Nick Gwiazdowski, NYAC, 7-1
125kg: Dom Bradley, Sunkist Kid dec. Tyrell Fortune, Titan Mercury, 8-2
53kg: Haley Augello, NYAC dec. Carlene Sluberski, Titan Mercury, 8-5
53kg: Michaela Hutchison, Titan Mercury dec. Jessica Medina, Sunkist Kids, 4-1
58kg: Kelsey Campbell, Sunkist Kids dec. Trinity Griffin, Sunkist Kids, 4-1
58kg: Alli Ragan, NYAC dec. Teshya Alo, Titan Mercury, 8-3
63kg: Amanda Hendey, Titan Mercury vs. BYE
63kg: Shai Mason, Titan Mercury fall. Alexis Porter, NYAC, 4:27
75kg: Jackie Cataline, Titan Mercury fall. Tatiana Vasquez, Gator, 5:04
75kg: Iris Smith, WCAP dec. Victoria Francis, Titan Mercury, 3-2
Saturday Quarterfinals:
57kg: Nick Simmons, Sunkist Kids vs. BYE
57kg: Angel Escobedo, NYAC dec. Tyler Graff, NYAC, 9-7
57kg: Matt McDonough, Titan Mercury dec. Frank Perrelli, Titan Mercury, 13-8
57kg: Joe Colon, Titan Mercury dec. Brad Pataky, NLWC, 8-0
70kg: Dustin Schlatter, MN Storm vs. BYE
70kg: Derek St. John, Titan Mercury dec. Moza Fay, WCAP, 9-7
70kg: Kevin Levalley, MN Storm dec. Adam Hall, Titan Mercury, 6-6
70kg: James Green, Titan Mercury dec. Nazar Kultchytsky, Titan Mercury, 9-7
86kg: Keith Gavin, Titan Mercury tf. Richard Perry, NYAC, 11-1
86kg: Chris Perry, Titan Mercury dec. Clayton Foster, GRIT, 3-2
86kg: Jon Reader, Sunkist Kids dec. Deron Winn, Titan Mercury, 7-3
86kg: Ed Ruth, Sunkist Kids tf. Phil Keddy, Titan Mercury, 14-3
125kg: Zach Rey, LVAC vs. BYE
125kg: Nick Gwiazdowski, NYAC dec. Connor Medbery, Titan Mercury, 6-4
125kg: Tyrell Fortune, Titan Mercury tf. Adam Coon, Cliff Keen, 10-0
125kg: Dom Bradley, Sunkist Kids vs. BYE
53kg: Carlene Sluberski, Titan Mercury dec. Laura Anderson, Brea WC, 6-0
53kg: Haley Augello, NYAC tf. Deanna Betterman, Sunkist Kids, 11-0
53kg: Jessica Medina, Sunkist Kids dec. Amy Fernside, Titan Mercury, 5-1
53kg: Michaela Hutchison, Titan Mercury fall. Samantha Klingel, King, 2:29
58kg: Kelsey Campbell, Sunkist Kids vs. BYE
58kg: Trinity Griffin, Sunkist Kids dec. Maya Nelson, Sunkist Kids, 10-5
58kg: Teshya Alo, Titan Mercury vs. Bye
58kg: Alli Ragan, NYAC vs. Bye
75kg: Jackie Cataline, Titan Mercury vs. BYE
75kg: Tatiana Vasquez, Gator tf. Clarc Walker, Cumberlands, 10-0
75kg: Iris Smith, WCAP vs. BYE
75kg: Victoria Francis, Titan Mercury vs. BYE
Sunday- Senior World Team Trials
Men's Freestyle: 61kg, 65kg, 74kg, and 97kg
Women's Freestyle: 48kg, 55kg, 60kg and 69kg
10:00 a.m. - Session I - Preliminaries, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Challenge Finals/Consolations and 3rd Place, Challenge Tournament Finals
5:00 p.m. - Session II - Final World Team Trials – Best of 3 Series (Rd # 1, Rd # 2 and Rd # 3 - if Needed, True Second Place Matches from Challenge Tournament)
Sitting in Sunday's Finals
61kg - Reece Humphrey, NYAC
65kg - Brent Metcalf, NYAC
74kg - Jordan Burroughs, Sunkist Kids
97kg - Kyle Snyder, Titan Mercury
48kg - Victoria Anthony, Titan Mercury
55kg - Sharon Jacobson, WCAP
60kg - Leigh Provisor, WCAP
69kg - Elena Pirozhkova, Titan Mercury