D1 Wrestle-Off Roundup

D1 Wrestle-Off Roundup

Check out wrestle-off results from Lehigh, Wisconsin, Oklahoma, Michigan State, Maryland, Indiana, and Bucknell.

Oct 27, 2017 by Kyle Bratke
D1 Wrestle-Off Roundup
We are now under a week away from the first official NCAA Division I wrestling competition, which means wrestle-offs are going down across the country.

Thursday was a busy night for wrestle-offs as No. 6 Lehigh, Wisconsin, Oklahoma, Michigan State, Indiana, Maryland, and Bucknell all hosted intrasquad showdowns. Check out the complete results from Thursday night's matchups. 



125: Matt Parker (Brown) Fall Satoshi Abe (White) 4:38
125: Luke Resnick (Brown) dec. Aaron Burkett (White) 3-2
133: Scott Parker (Brown) tech fall Nick Farro (White) 15-0, 5:36
133: Brandon Paetzell (Brown) Fall Brock Herring (White) 4:16
141: Luke Karam (White) dec. Ryan Pomrinca (Brown) 3-2
141: Jimmy Hoffman (Brown) dec. Dan Moran (White) 4-3, TB
149: Cortlandt Schuyler (Brown) dec. David Pipa (White) 3-2
157: Ian Brown (White) dec. Kent Lane (Brown) 9-4
165: Gordon Wolf (White) dec. Drew Longo (Brown) 4-1
174: Jordan Kutler (White) tech fall Charlie Sell (Brown) 24-9, 6:34
184: Ryan Preisch (Brown) major dec. Paul Dunn (White) 9-0
197: Kyle Gentile (White) dec. Jake Jakobsen (Brown) 2-1, TB


133: Jacob Rubio (WHITE) fall Clay Vincent (RED), 2:02
141: Mike Longo (RED) dec. Noah Teaney (RED), 10-5
149: Davion Jeffries (WHITE) dec. Dom Demas (RED), 2-0
157: Justin Thomas (RED) dec. Jared Schieber (WHITE), 3-1 (SV1)
165: Jeremy Thomas (RED) dec. Dawaylon Barnes (WHITE), 2-1
174: Yoanse Mejias (RED) maj. dec. Anthony Mantanona (WHITE) 14-6
184: Hayden Hansen (RED) dec. Matt Waddell (WHITE) 6-4
197: Andrew Dixon (RED) dec. Jake Woodley (WHITE) 4-3
HWT: Lance Dixon (WHITE) dec. Connor Webb (RED) 3-1 (SV1)

Michigan State

125: RayVon Foley (Green) def. Julian Saldana (White), 8-3
133: Matt Santos (Green) def. Nate Ellis (White), 4-2
141: Javier Gasca (White) def. Austin Eicher (Green), 6-1
149: Jwan Britton (Green) def. Jimmy Muscato (White), 13-8
157: Jake Tucker (White) def. Nathan Atienza (Green), 7-2
165: Austin Hiles (Green) def. Logan Ritchie (White), 4-3
184: Shwan Shadaia (Green) vs. Cameron Caffey (White), 2-1
197: Brad Wilton (Green) vs. Cole Nye (White), 2-0
HWT: Christian Rebottaro (Green) def. Chase Beard (White), 2-1


133: Michael Cullen dec. Jens Lantz, 3-2 TB1
141: Cole Martin FALL Eli Stickley, 6:08
149: Gabriel Grahek dec. Luke Rowh, 1-0
149: Zander Wick FALL Patrick Spray, 5:29
149: Tyler Shilson inj. default Devin Bahr
149: Zander Wick dec. Gabriel Graham, 6-0
157: Andrew Crone dec. Jared Scharenbrock, 12-7
174: Ryan Christensen tech fall Jackson Hemauer, 16-0
174: Jacob Covaciu inj. default Izaec Quintanilla
174: Ryan Christensen dec. Jacob Covaciu, 1-0
184: Ricky Robertson tech fall Brady Wetter, 16-0
197: Hunter Ritter dec. Mason Reinhardt, 5-3
197: Eric Peissig maj dec. Jake Stilling, 10-2
285: Ben Stone tech fall Ian Dretzka, 17-2

[tweet url="https://twitter.com/BadgerWrestling/status/923912581135429632" hide_media="0" hide_thread="1"]


125: Jakob Campbell tech fall Mike Macklin, 18-1 (4:52)
133: David Campbell dec. Ray Cotto, 4-1
141: Tyler Smith maj. dec. Matthew Kolonia, 13-4
149: Seth Hogue pinned Kyle Greene, 4:17
157: Zach Kelly dec. Mitch Hartman, 3-2
165: D.J. Hollingshead dec. Collin Boylan, 8-3
174: Nick Stephani dec. Kyle Inlander, 6-4
184: Drew Phipps dec. Chad Reese, 3-2
197: Tom Sleigh maj. dec. Joe Scott, 12-1
285: Garrett Hoffman dec. Eric Chakonis, 4-1

[tweet url="https://twitter.com/Bucknell_WRST/status/923716846901190658" hide_media="0" hide_thread="1"]


133: Michael Doetsch (Black) def. Jhared Simmons (Red), 6-0
141: Ryan Diehl (Red) def. Peter Tedesco (Black), 6-1
149: Adam Whitesell (Red) def. Garrett Burnham (Black), 8-6
157: Kyle Cochran (Red) def. Jahi Jones (Black), 5-3
165: Brendan Burnham (Red) def. Patrick Gerish (Black), 6-3
174: Spencer Woods (Black) def. Kyle Jasenski (Red), 13-4
Exhibition: Danny Bertoni (Black) def. Hunter Baxter (Red), 5-1.
Exhibition: Idris White (Black) def. Philip Spadafora (Red), 8-6
Exhibition: Shawn Mosca (Black) def. James Spadafora (Red), tech. fall


125: Elijah Oliver dec. Liam Cronin 3-1
133: Brandon James dec. Michael De La Peña 7-3
133: Garrett Pepple dec. Kyle Luigs 8-3
141: Cole Weaver pinned A.J. Raya 1:12
149: Davey Tunon dec. Austin Holmes 2-0
157: Jake Danishek tech. fall Dillon Hoey 19-3
165: Bryce Martin tech. fall Logan Herrera, 24-9
174: Devin Skatzka tech. fall Gabe Koontz, 18-0
184: Norman Conley dec. Jake Hinz, 3-2
197: Jake Kleimola pinned Mike Maguire
285: Fletcher Miller maj. dec. Zach Horwitz 16-5

Check back in Saturday for more results, as Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, North Carolina, West Virginia, and Utah Valley are scheduled to have their wrestle-offs Friday night. 

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