Can Cory Clark Make A Magical Run At The Open?
Can Cory Clark Make A Magical Run At The Open?
Will Clark have what it takes to win his first U.S. Open title in this field?
Cory Clark is magical. Don’t believe me? Go watch his 2017 NCAA title run again and make sure it sinks in that he did it all with a bad shoulder and wrist.
The fact that the former Iowa Hawkeye was able to take out Stevan Micic, Nathan Tomasello, and then Seth Gross to win the 133lb was impressive, to say the least. Since then, he’s been getting acclimated to the Senior level and has taken some lumps along the way on the international scene.
Clark is currently slated to wrestle in the 61kg division at the 2018 U.S. Open next week in Las Vegas—and the field is anyone’s to win. Though Clark has the magic on his side, it will not be easy to navigate these rough waters full of sharks.
Here are the other contenders at 61kg:
- Nico Megaludis
- Cody Brewer
- Earl Hall
- Chris Dardanes
- Johnni DiJulius
- Joe Colon
- Nahshon Garrett
- Tyler Graff
- Jon Morrison
- Shelton Mack
- Alan Waters
- Brandon Wright
- AJ Schopp
Will Clark have what it takes to win his first U.S. Open title in this field?