Dan Gable Building Mental Toughness


Dan Gable talks about several topics including building mental toughness in this portion of the series at his home in Iowa. It starts off with him talking about the big match taking place that night between Iowa and OKlahoma State and how he believes it is the type of dual that could get people hooked. He then shows us his wood burning sauna and into the workout room in his cabin. Dan Gable gives a little tug on his Hammer Strength equipment before getting on the airdyne and expressing how much he likes that. The airdyne is a something a lot of people use for a warm up but he uses it for a workout because the harder you go, the harder it is. The airdyne can be used to build mental toughness and is the kind of machine that can break a man. Keeping it at a certain speed and then adding one second each minute can build mental toughness. Dan Gable compares this to breaking the four minute mile where Roger Banister ran the last quarter lap, one-step-at-a-time.