'Pueblo School District 60 Athletics
Middle School Wrestling
Attention Middle School Wrestling Coaches:
Pueblo Centennial High School is hosting a middle school wrestling tournament on Friday,
January 13, 2023.
Location: Pueblo Centennial Gym
Participating schools: Corwin, Craver, ECMS, Heaton, La Junta, Liberty Point, PAA, Pleasant View, Risley, Roncalli
Start Time: 3:00 pm
Admission: All sessions pass - K-12 and Senior Citizens - $4 Adults - $8
Track Wrestling notification emails were sent out on Sunday, January 8, 2023.
Please enter your Team Roster into Track Wrestling by Wednesday, January 11, 2023.
At your Thursday night practice, weigh your wrestlers and add the actual weights into Track
On Friday, January 13th:
Report Time/Wrestler Check-in: 1:30 pm (wrestlers not checked-in by 2:30 pm will not be
placed in a bracket)
Wrestling will begin: 3:00 pm'