Worthington Open

Worthington Open

'```Worthington Open Date: Saturday Jan. 21, 2023 Place: MN West CTC at the Health and Wellness Building 1450 College Way Worthington, MN Entry Fee: $30 per wrestler Weigh-ins & Skin Checks: 7 am Weigh-ins/ skin Checks start at 6:50 am prior to weigh-ins; Building opens 6:00 am Start Time: Wrestling will start at 9:00 am and will be running straight through the finals. Rules: NCAA Rules, with all matches 3-2-2 with riding time. Includes all wrestlers according to NCAA rules. This is a true open tournament. Seeding: Separating team mates where possible. Please indicate your wrestlers deserving of a seed and credentials they have. Rank your wrestlers if entering more than one in a wt. class Registrations will close at 6 pm Friday Jan. 20, 2023! Please have all information and wrestlers entered at this time: Contact Randy.Baker@mnwest.edu with any questions, entries etc. Cell # 507-841-0170. ``'
Event Info
Worthington Open on Jan 21, 2023 in Worthington, MN.