FAIRFIELD LUDLOWE INTITATIONAL INVOICE for PAYMENT December 21st, 2024 Schedule • Weigh-ins 7:00-8:00am • Coaches / scratch meeting 8:30 am • Wrestling begins before 9:00 am (4 mats all day) All National Federation rules will be used. Weight Classes 106, 113, 120, 126, 132, 138, 144, 150, 157, 165, 175, 190, 215, 285. Double elimination. Medals for top 3 in each weight, Tee shirt for Champions, Team Championship Trophy, Trophies for O.W. and Most Pins. The cost will be $400.00 per team. Please make checks out to Fairfield Ludlowe Athletics. Please send your check before December 10th . Please send to: ATTN Jeremy Kelly - Athletics Fairfield Ludlowe High School 785 Unquowa Road, Fairfield CT 06824 There will be a full concession stand and eating area available (cash only). You will be EXPECTED to register on FLO by Thursday Dec. 19 th at 9 pm. Wrestlers not registered by the deadline will not be permitted to wrestle. Coaches, please send a contact email and phone number to by December 6th . Time permitting, we will wrestle back to 5/6th. General Admission: Adults $5 and students are free. Anticipated field: Ludlowe, Prep, Enfield, McMahon, Gilbert, Norwalk, Westhill, Stamford, Stratford, Nonnewaug, Bethel, St. Joe’s, Pomperaug.