2023 MS Charger Classic

2023 MS Charger Classic

'Chargers Clash Date: Saturday, November 11th, 2023 Location: Chattanooga Christian School / 3354 Charger Drive, Chattanooga TN 37409 Contact Info: Alexy Winesburgh: (423)635-4747 alexywinesburgh@gmail.com Weigh-Ins: 7:30 am (please be here early so we can start on time) Weight Classes: 72 ? 78 ? 86 ? 94 ? 100 ? 108 ? 115 ? 123 ? 130 ? 140 ? 150 ? 165 ? 185 ? 220 ? HWT (275) **You may enter as many wrestlers in one weight class as you choose** IF WEIGHT CLASSES EXCEED 16 MAN BRACKETS WE WILL LIKELY SPLIT IT INTO TWO BRACKETS (A & B) Wrestling will start between 9:30 ? 10:00 AM (depending on how much the brackets change do to scratches) Cost: $10 per wrestler Medals: Given to 1st - 4th place Concessions and tournament t-shirts will be sold. Hospitality Room: Each team will be given up to 3 coaches Passes to the hospitality room. (Hospitality is for coaches, officials, and tournament workers ONLY!) DO NOT GIVE TO PARENTS OR STUDENT MANAGERS IF YOU HAVE AN EXTRA! Tournament director will give you more information about registering your wrestlers through track on the week of the tournament. MAKE SURE YOU READ HER INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY!!!!! '
Event Info
2023 MS Charger Classic on Nov 11, 2023 in Chattanooga, TN.