Round 3 (4 Man)
Justus Wehrman
J. Wehrman
F 4-0 0:15
Nate Loxterkamp
N. Loxterkamp
Round 3 (3 Man)
Peyton Hubl
P. Hubl
F 2-0 0:47
Trevor Kapke
T. Kapke
Round 3 (Best of 3)
A. Pearson
F 6-0 0:30
L. Dixion
Round 2 (4 Man)
Round 2 (Best of 3)
Round 2 (3 Man)
Colin Huber
C. Huber
F 2-0 0:19
Kyler Siems
K. Siems
Peyton Hubl
P. Hubl
F 2-0 0:40
Garett Gregory
G. Gregory
Round 1 (Best of 3)
Round 1 (3 Man)
Trevor Kapke
T. Kapke
F 2-0 0:45
Garett Gregory
G. Gregory
Atreyu Siefford
A. Siefford
F 10-6 2:58