Enterprise High School GIRLS Tournament

Enterprise High School GIRLS Tournament

Saturday Dec 9- Weigh-ins at 8am., Wrestling starts at 9:30-10 a.m. Format: 16 man bracket style tournament. Girls will get 3-5 matches Awards for 1 st -5 th , Lower and Upper outstanding wrestlers and top 2 teams. Hospitality Room: Breakfast and Lunch will be provided for all coaches Contacts: Phillip McLeod- Head Coach phillip.mcleod@washk12.org or 435-668-9210 Tournament Fees: Cost per team size or individual ? 9-14 wrestlers: $300. Additional above 14 will be $10 each. Contact me for questions ? Up to 8 wrestlers: $30 per wrestler Admission: adults $10,, children $5, under 5 free
Event Info
Enterprise High School GIRLS Tournament on Dec 9, 2023 in Enterprise, UT.