`Doors open at 7a. All entry is door 15 (Athletics) on Commonwealth (East side of school).
$5/adult; $2/kid; Coach on Roster Free (must display card & check-in)
Session 1 (8:30a):
Novice (in Gym); seating in balcony, no spectators on gym floor
Tots/Bantam (in Red Fieldhouse); seating in fieldhouse, ok to bring chairs for designated areas. No spectators past ropes.
Session 2 (noon):
Senior (in Gym); seating in balcony, no spectators on gym floor
Intermediates & All Girls divisions (in Red Fieldhouse); seating in fieldhouse, ok to bring chairs for designated areas. No spectators past ropes.
Security will work to keep rope areas clear, and all spectators off gym floor.
Medals & printed brackets can be collected in hallway near Red Fieldhouse.
Concessions all day, event shirt vendor, & Taco Truck!