`Schedule: All times are approximate and wrestling will move as quickly as possible.
1:15 - 2:15 Weigh-ins
3:15 Coaches Meeting
3:45 ? 5:15 Round 1 & Quarters (2 mats)
5:15 ? 6:45 2nd Conso & Semis (2 mats)
6:45 ? 7:30 Conso. ΒΌ finals (2 mats)
7:30 ? 8:30 Conso. Semifinals (2 mats)
8:30 ? 9:45 1st Place (1 mat) & 3rd Place (1 mat)
We have early dismissal on this date, so teams are not to arrive before 12:30 PM - there will be no exceptions, and the building will not be accessible before this time.
**We will be having Parent/Teacher conferences, so SPECTATORS WILL NOT BE ADMITTED INTO THE BUILDING UNTIL THE DOORS OPEN AT 3:00 PM. In addition,
athletes will not be allowed to leave the gym and locker room areas. No exceptions will be made.
Admission: $7