2019 Senior Nationals - US Olympic Trials Qualifier

2019 Senior Nationals - US Olympic Trials Qualifier

Dec 20-22, 2019
Women's Freestyle

Check out complete brackets inside FloArena.

Finals Matchups

50kg: Alyssa Lampe (Sunkist Kids Wrestling Club) VFA Victoria Anthony (Sunkist Kids Wrestling Club), 6-6 3:44

53kg: Dominique Parrish (Sunkist Kids Wrestling Club) VPO1 Areana Villaescusa (Army WCAP), 6-2

57kg: Abigail Nette (Tiger WC) VPO1 Tiana Jackson (Menlo Wrestling Club), 9-6

62kg: Emma Bruntil (McKendree Bearcat Wrestling Club) VIN Maya Nelson (Sunkist Kids Wrestling Club)

68kg: Forrest Molinari (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club) VFA Victoria Francis (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club), 2-0 1:08

76kg: Precious Bell (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club) VPO Dymond Guilford (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club), 7-0

Semifinal Results

62 Maya Nelson (Sunkist Kids Wrestling Club) VPO1 Julia Salata (New York Athletic Club), 6-1

62 Emma Bruntil (McKendree Bearcat Wrestling Club) VPO1 Macey Kilty (Sunkist Kids Wrestling Club), 6-4

68 Forrest Molinari (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club) VFA Ashlynn Ortega (New York Athletic Club), 5-0 1:38

68 Victoria Francis (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club) VPO1 Alexandria Glaude (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club), 3-2

76 Precious Bell (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club) VPO1 Yelena Makoyed (Cardinal Wrestling Club), 5-4

76 Dymond Guilford (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club) VSU1 Jessika Rottier (Rabid Dawg Wrestling Club), 14-3 5:00

Quarterfinal Results

50 Victoria Anthony (Sunkist Kids Wrestling Club) VSU Aliyah Rollins (Unattached), 10-0 0:22

50 Emily Shilson (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club) VSU1 Alleida Martinez (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club), 12-1 4:53

50 Alyssa Lampe (Sunkist Kids Wrestling Club) VSU Natalie Reyna-rodriguez (McKendree Bearcat Wrestling Club), 10-0 0:42

50 Amy Fearnside (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club) VFA Emma Cochran (Grand View Wrestling Club), 4-0 0:38

53 Dominique Parrish (Sunkist Kids Wrestling Club) VSU Nicole Nastri (Tri-City Tyrants), 10-0 0:41

53 Alisha Howk (Sunkist Kids Wrestling Club) VPO1 Ronna Heaton (Sunkist Kids Wrestling Club), 6-4

53 Katherine Shai (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club) VSU Felicity Taylor (McKendree Bearcat Wrestling Club), 11-0 4:41

53 Areana Villaescusa (Army WCAP) VFA Jaslynn Gallegos (Blue Chip Wrestling Club), 2-0 1:16

57 Tiana Jackson (Menlo Wrestling Club) VPO1 Marissa Gallegos (Colorado Mesa Wrestling Club), 5-3

57 Shauna Kemp (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club) VPO1 Arian Carpio (Sunkist Kids Wrestling Club), 10-4

57 Abigail Nette (Tiger WC) VSU1 Alexandra Hedrick (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club), 8-1 6:00

57 Cameron Guerin (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club) VPO1 Alexia Ward (McKendree Bearcat Wrestling Club), 12-3

62 Maya Nelson (Sunkist Kids Wrestling Club) VPO1 Jennifer Page (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club), 5-3

62 Julia Salata (New York Athletic Club) VPO1 Desiree Zavala (Unattached), 7-3

62 Emma Bruntil (McKendree Bearcat Wrestling Club) VFO Teshya Alo (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club), 6-0

62 Macey Kilty (Sunkist Kids Wrestling Club) VPO Alara Boyd (McKendree Bearcat Wrestling Club), 5-0

68 Forrest Molinari (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club) VFA Nahiela Magee (Army WCAP), 4-0 0:57

68 Ashlynn Ortega (New York Athletic Club) VPO1 Rachel Watters (New York Athletic Club), 12-3

68 Alexandria Glaude (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club) VPO1 Skylar Grote (New York Athletic Club), 2-1

68 Victoria Francis (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club) VSU Iman Kazem (Menlo Wrestling Club), 10-0 2:16

76 Precious Bell (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club) VPO1 Andrea Sennett (McKendree Bearcat Wrestling Club), 10-4

76 Yelena Makoyed (Cardinal Wrestling Club) VPO1 Alyvia Fiske (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club), 6-6

76 Jessika Rottier (Rabid Dawg Wrestling Club) VSU1 Randi Beltz (Army WCAP), 15-3 5:45

76 Dymond Guilford (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club) VSU1 Nkechinyere Nwankwo (Unattached), 14-4 4:30

Round of 16

50 Victoria Anthony (Sunkist Kids Wrestling Club) VSU Nina Pham (Unattached), 10-0 0:52

50 Aliyah Rollins (Unattached) VSU Esther Walker (Warrior Wrestling Club), 10-0 2:25

50 Emily Shilson (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club) VSU Aleeah Gould (Team Tornado Wrestling Club), 12-0 3:11

50 Alleida Martinez (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club) VSU Kory Phillips (Unattached), 10-0 0:57

50 Alyssa Lampe (Sunkist Kids Wrestling Club) VSU Brooke Thurber (Rabid Dawg Wrestling Club), 10-0 0:50

50 Natalie Reyna-rodriguez (McKendree Bearcat Wrestling Club) VPO1 Asia Ray (Unattached), 13-9

50 Emma Cochran (Grand View Wrestling Club) VPO Samantha Weeks (Unattached), 8-0

50 Amy Fearnside (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club) VSU Ira jean Navarro (Unattached), 10-0 1:00

53 Dominique Parrish (Sunkist Kids Wrestling Club) VSU Victoria Smith (Unattached), 10-0 1:08

53 Nicole Nastri (Tri-City Tyrants) VPO1 Madison Angelito (Patriot Wrestling Club), 6-2

53 Ronna Heaton (Sunkist Kids Wrestling Club) VSU Marissa Ritchie (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club), 10-0 2:50

53 Alisha Howk (Sunkist Kids Wrestling Club) VSU Anja Tschohl (Colorado Mesa Wrestling Club), 10-0 2:12

53 Katherine Shai (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club) VSU Keely Oyadomari (Warrior Wrestling Club), 10-0 1:30

53 Felicity Taylor (McKendree Bearcat Wrestling Club) VSU Aleena Gomez (Colorado Mesa Wrestling Club), 10-0 3:21

53 Jaslynn Gallegos (Blue Chip Wrestling Club) VSU Katlyn Pizzo (Tiger WC), 10-0 0:29

53 Areana Villaescusa (Army WCAP) VSU Alyssa Garza (Limestone College), 10-0 0:37

57 Marissa Gallegos (Colorado Mesa Wrestling Club) VPO1 Gracie Figueroa (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club), 3-1

57 Tiana Jackson (Menlo Wrestling Club) VFA Gabrielle Weyhrich (McKendree Bearcat Wrestling Club), 6-4 5:03

57 Shauna Kemp (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club) VIN Hailey Schiermeyer (Warrior Wrestling Club), 0-0 0:38

57Arian Carpio (Sunkist Kids Wrestling Club) VPO1 Xochitl Mota-pettis (Rise Wrestling), 6-5

57 Abigail Nette (Tiger WC) VSU Vayle Baker (Twin Cities Regional Training Center), 10-0 4:14

57 Alexandra Hedrick (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club) VFA Niya teresita Gaines (Lion Wrestling Club), 8-1 2:46

57 Cameron Guerin (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club) VSU Phoenix Dubose (Team Tornado Wrestling Club), 10-0 0:45

57 Alexia Ward (McKendree Bearcat Wrestling Club) VPO1 Lauren Louive (New York Athletic Club), 2-2

62 Maya Nelson (Sunkist Kids Wrestling Club) VPO Dalia Garibay (Colorado Mesa Wrestling Club), 9-0

62 Jennifer Page (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club) VSU Michaela Beck (New York Athletic Club), 11-0 5:50

62 Julia Salata (New York Athletic Club) VSU1 Zoe Nowicki (Unattached), 10-0 1:37

62 Desiree Zavala (Unattached) VFA Brianna Csontos (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club), 6-0 2:14

62 Emma Bruntil (McKendree Bearcat Wrestling Club) VFA Marlee Smith (Sunkist Kids Wrestling Club), 8-0 2:13

62 Teshya Alo (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club) VFA Alexis Porter (New York Athletic Club), 4-0 2:49

62 Alara Boyd (McKendree Bearcat Wrestling Club) VSU1 Mattison Parker (Unattached), 14-1 2:49

62 Macey Kilty (Sunkist Kids Wrestling Club) VSU Gabrielle Lord-klein (Twin Cities Regional Training Center), 10-0 2:07

68 Forrest Molinari (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club) VFA Kayla Marano (Lion Wrestling Club), 8-1 2:30

68 Nahiela Magee (Army WCAP) VSU Solin Piearcy (Menlo Wrestling Club), 10-0 4:14

68 Rachel Watters (New York Athletic Club) VPO1 Joye Levendusky (McKendree Bearcat Wrestling Club), 8-6

68 Ashlynn Ortega (New York Athletic Club) VFA Aine Drury (Unattached), 12-0 2:16

68 Alexandria Glaude (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club) VSU Hunter Robinson (Grand View Wrestling Club), 11-0 3:22

68 Skylar Grote (New York Athletic Club) VSU Jackie Surber-cataline (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club/ Cataline' s Wildcats), 10-0 1:00

68 Iman Kazem (Menlo Wrestling Club) VSU Sierra Talmadge (Unattached), 10-0 1:40

68 Victoria Francis (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club) VSU1 Jacqueline Parks (Unattached), 11-1 5:14

76 Dymond Guilford (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club) VPO1 Emily Cue (Unattached), 9-8

76 Precious Bell (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club) VSU Caitlyn Gilmore (Limestone College), 10-0 0:49

76 Andrea Sennett (McKendree Bearcat Wrestling Club) VSU1 Marilyn Garcia (Menlo Wrestling Club), 14-3 4:56

76 Alyvia Fiske (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club) VFA Alyssa Schrull (Unattached), 4-0 1:02

76 Yelena Makoyed (Cardinal Wrestling Club) VPO1 Korinahe Bullock (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club), 6-3

76 Randi Beltz (Army WCAP) VFA Brittany Marshall (Cardinal Wrestling Club), 2-2 0:49

76 Jessika Rottier (Rabid Dawg Wrestling Club) VSU Kenya-lee Sloan (Tiger WC), 10-0 1:48

76 Nkechinyere Nwankwo (Unattached) VSU Jesse Kirby (Patriot Wrestling Club), 10-0 0:38

Round of 32

50 Victoria Anthony (Sunkist Kids Wrestling Club) VSU Arelys Valles (Grand View Wrestling Club), 12-0 1:25

50 Esther Walker (Warrior Wrestling Club) VPO1 Alice Todryk (Rabid Dawg Wrestling Club), 8-5

50 Aliyah Rollins (Unattached) VSU1 Vannessa Ramirez (McKendree Bearcat Wrestling Club), 14-4 4:16

50 Alleida Martinez (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club) VSU Jennesis Martinez (Colorado Mesa Wrestling Club), 10-0 1:09

50 Natalie Reyna-rodriguez (McKendree Bearcat Wrestling Club) VFA Mariah Anderson (Rise Wrestling), 6-3 3:56

50 Emily Shilson (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club) VSU Victoria Borrego (Unattached), 10-0 2:54

50 Brooke Thurber (Rabid Dawg Wrestling Club) VFA Mariah Lomas (Unattached), 6-2 5:07

50 Asia Ray (Unattached) VPO1 Angelina Gomez (Lion Wrestling Club), 5-3

50 Samantha Weeks (Unattached) VSU Alexandra Martinez (Limestone College), 10-0 5:58

50 Ira jean Navarro (Unattached) VFA Katherine Sumner (McKendree Bearcat Wrestling Club), 12-8 4:33

50 Amy Fearnside (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club) VFA Hannah Petersen (Unattached), 4-0 0:40

53 Dominique Parrish (Sunkist Kids Wrestling Club) VSU Charlotte Fowler (Tiger WC), 10-0 3:38

53 Marissa Ritchie (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club) VFA Alex Elias (Spartan Mat Club), 8-2 2:39

53 Felicity Taylor (McKendree Bearcat Wrestling Club) VPO Danielle Garcia (Team Tornado Wrestling Club), 6-0

53 Katlyn Pizzo (Tiger WC) VFA Stefana Jelacic (Sunkist Kids Wrestling Club), 10-5 4:38

53 Areana Villaescusa (Army WCAP) VFA Alexis Encinas (Unattached), 3-0 1:03

57 Gracie Figueroa (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club) VFA Kelsey Campbell (Sunkist Kids Wrestling Club), 2-1 4:54

57 Marissa Gallegos (Colorado Mesa Wrestling Club) VSU1 Jessica Fresh (Unattached), 12-2 4:13

57 Tiana Jackson (Menlo Wrestling Club) VPO1 Gabrielle Skidmore (Twin Cities Regional Training Center), 6-2

57 Gabrielle Weyhrich (McKendree Bearcat Wrestling Club) VSU Alexandra Herle (Lion Wrestling Club), 10-0 3:59

57 Shauna Kemp (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club) VPO1 Cheyenne Sisenstein (Team Tornado Wrestling Club), 6-6

57 Hailey Schiermeyer (Warrior Wrestling Club) VPO1 Monica Mendoza (Unattached), 6-1

57 Xochitl Mota-pettis (Rise Wrestling) VSU Koral Sugiyama (Twin Cities Regional Training Center), 11-0 2:06

57 Arian Carpio (Sunkist Kids Wrestling Club) VFA Alexis Saldivar (Spartan Mat Club), 4-0 0:43

57 Abigail Nette (Tiger WC) VSU Allison Petix (Team Tornado Wrestling Club), 10-0 2:02

57 Vayle Baker (Twin Cities Regional Training Center) VFA Cindy Zepeda (Colorado Mesa Wrestling Club), 4-2 1:30

57 Niya teresita Gaines (Lion Wrestling Club) VPO1 Alexis Medina (Patriot Wrestling Club), 11-2

57 Alexandra Hedrick (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club) VFA Clarissa Archuleta (Spartan Mat Club), 6-0 2:05

57 Cameron Guerin (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club) VSU Brittany Wynn (Unattached), 10-0 3:21

57 Phoenix Dubose (Team Tornado Wrestling Club) VFA Sierra Brown ton (Colorado Mesa Wrestling Club), 4-0 2:27

57 Alexia Ward (McKendree Bearcat Wrestling Club) VSU Emily Se (Lion Wrestling Club), 10-0 2:21

57 Lauren Louive (New York Athletic Club) VSU Annmarie Hidalgo (Unattached), 10-0 0:36

62 Maya Nelson (Sunkist Kids Wrestling Club) VSU1 Teniya Alo (Unattached), 16-4 5:51

62 Jennifer Page (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club) VSU Shanayah Marshall (Unattached), 10-0 0:57

62 Julia Salata (New York Athletic Club) VSU Louisa Schwab (Ano Kato), 10-0 1:19

62 Brianna Csontos (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club) VSU Ismileyna Valles (Patriot Wrestling Club), 10-0 1:43

62 Emma Bruntil (McKendree Bearcat Wrestling Club) VSU Andrea Schlabach (Unattached), 10-0 2:28

62 Alara Boyd (McKendree Bearcat Wrestling Club) VFA Viktorya Torres (Victory Wrestling-Central WA), 8-0 2:34

62 Macey Kilty (Sunkist Kids Wrestling Club) VSU Lauren Mason (Unattached), 10-0 2:10

68 Forrest Molinari (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club) VSU Mahealani Lewis (Warrior Wrestling Club), 10-0 0:38

68 Kayla Marano (Lion Wrestling Club) VFA Brighton Hutton (Unattached), 4-0 0:16

68 Solin Piearcy (Menlo Wrestling Club) VSU1 Myranda Velazquez (Unattached), 13-2 3:00

68 Rachel Watters (New York Athletic Club) VSU Rachel Mahlow (Unattached), 10-0 1:38

68 Aine Drury (Unattached) VSU Daniela Hechavarria (Barons Wrestling Club), 10-0 2:34

68 Ashlynn Ortega (New York Athletic Club) VSU Marlynne Deede (Twin Cities Regional Training Center), 13-0 4:01

68 Alexandria Glaude (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club) VSU Adrianna Orozco (Unattached), 10-0 1:25

68 Jackie Surber-cataline (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club/ Cataline' s Wildcats) VSU Taylor Hites (Unattached), 10-0 4:00

68 Skylar Grote (New York Athletic Club) VFA Alma Mendoza (Colorado Mesa Wrestling Club), 4-0 0:44

68 Sierra Talmadge (Unattached) VSU Amalani Latu (Limestone College), 11-0 4:49

68 Iman Kazem (Menlo Wrestling Club) VFA Morgan Norris (Blue Chip Wrestling Club), 4-0 0:36

68 Jacqueline Parks (Unattached) VFA Hannah Gladden (Lion Wrestling Club), 16-12 5:33

76 Caitlyn Gilmore (Limestone College) VFA Rachel Allar (Unattached), 6-5 2:30

76 Andrea Sennett (McKendree Bearcat Wrestling Club) VFA Nesa Martinez (Unattached), 6-0 1:25

76 Alyvia Fiske (Titan Mercury Wrestling Club) VSU Evangelina Toruno (Unattached), 10-0 0:57

76 Yelena Makoyed (Cardinal Wrestling Club) VSU Anna Naylor (Unattached), 10-0 2:26

76 Randi Beltz (Army WCAP) VFA Jesaphine Lee (Unattached), 4-0 0:43

Event Info
This is going to be fire from start to finish. Across all three styles, the top five placers at each weight will punch their tickets to April's Olympic Trials in April.