2021 Silver Fox Invitational

2021 Silver Fox Invitational

Silver Fox Invitational
Dutch Fork High School
December 11th, 2021

Come join us for the annual Silver Fox Invitational hosted by Dutch Fork High School in Irmo, South Carolina. This year’s tournament will be a one-day individual tournament.

Dutch Fork High School
1400 Old Tamah Rd
Irmo, SC 29063

Team Fee: $250
Checks are due 12/11/21. There will be a $50 late charge.

Please see below on how to address checks
Admission: $10
Concessions will be open. NO coolers allowed inside the gym.
Coach’s hospitality room will serve breakfast and lunch

Weigh-ins: 7:30 AM
Coaches Meeting: 8:45 AM
Round One: 9:00 AM
Awards Ceremony: 4:00 PM

Format: Brackets.  Top 4 will be seeded
Awards: Awards will be given out to  1st &  2nd place team finishers, top 3 individuals, and upper/lower MOW

Make checks payable to:
Mail to
Dutch Fork High School
Attn: Coach Bush/Wrestling
1400 Old Tamah Rd
Irmo, SC 29063

Registration Information:
Please use the attached spreadsheet for online registration of your team and also email the completed spreadsheet to Todd Polly at wrestlingislife@twc.com by 9:00 PM on Sunday, December 26, 2021.
Online registration will be done on FloWrestling.  This must be completed by 9:00 PM on Sunday, December 26, 2021.  Use the following link to get to the registration page:  https://events.flowrestling.org/event/6411196e-c77d-4451-b078-e5f9d9aaf609
If you run in to an issue when you try to register your team that another coach owns the registration rights, email Todd Polly (wrestlingislife@twc.com) immediately so he can contact his Flo guy to get you access to do your registration.

Silver Fox Invitational Roster
Dutch Fork
Mid Carolina 
Midland Valley 
N. Augusta 
Richland Northeast 
Ridge View 
Spring Valley
Event Info
2021 Silver Fox Invitational on Dec 11, 2021 in Irmo, SC.