Toms River Wrestling Classic

Toms River Wrestling Classic

WALK INS WELCOME – Please register by 7:30am for the morning session, 9:00am for the afternoon session.
Note: Due to disruptions caused by late registrants in the past, all registrations and weigh-ins must be accomplished by posted times above.

Max 8 Wrestlers per bracket/ Madison Weight Class System   Awards 1st, 2nd, and 3rd
Directions Google: 1245 Old Freehold Road, Toms River, NJ

Attention all Coaches and Wrestlers there will be team pricing for teams of 8 and over

All the satellite weigh-ins, contact us through the Foundation’s email address at
Alternate contact Laurel Paulsen:  732-773-3185 or email at
Alternate contact Chuck Egan: 609-980-6654 or email at

We will be awarding $500 Scholarships to a Shore Conference (HS-Open) wrestler and Participation (Open) wrestler that are competing in this year Classic and submit a scholarship application.
You must be attending College in the fall of 2017. Email a request for an application or they will be available at the tournament. All completed applications must be submitted by August 25th, 2017
Event Info
Toms River Wrestling Classic on Jul 15, 2017 in Toms River, NJ.