The 4th annual May River Invitational
December 29th-30th, 2022
Date: December 29th-30th, 2022. Looking to do weigh-ins 10:00am on December 29th to allow for travel down on the same day as well getting out at a very reasonable time on the 29th and 30th to enjoy the beach and shopping for parents.Fee: $275.00
Make Checks Payable To: May River Booster Club with “Wrestling” written on the memo line.
Mail to:
May River High School
Attn: Coach Powell/Wrestling
601 New Riverside Rd.
Bluffton, SC 29910
Admission: $10 Per Person each day/ or $18 for a two-day pass
****We will weigh-in by team starting at 10:00 AM on 29th and then approx. 8:30 AM on the 30th****Awards: Top 3 teams will receive trophies/Medals to top 3 wrestlers
**Hospitality room: We had a good spread this past year and hope to be even better this year.
Extra Information: We will have a full concession stand and hospitality room (For coaches and officials ONLY). Each team will receive 3 wristbands for the hospitality room (you may issue these to whomever you please) Any further questions please call me at 843-598-0698 or email me at