This tournament was archived to track wrestling and was not administered by track wrestling, since trackwrestling did not exist at that time. The data was enetered into trackwrestling in the Summer of 2011.
The scoring of the actual tournament did not give points for byes to any wrestlers when the entire weigh class did not wrestle any matches in a whole round (when everyone received byes that round) even if they won their next match. Also because of the five match rule, some 3rd and 5th place matches couldn`t be wrestled, so team points were split.
Also due to the inconsistency of hand-scoring, a number of errors were detected in the team scores when the data was entered into track wrestling. It was actually discovered that the team places in a correctly scored tournament with the exception listed above, should of had Westby Varsity Reserve having 166 points, which would have placed them in 2nd place above Wisconsin Rapids Varsity Reserve. However, the time for correction of errors had obviously expired so the scores of the orignal tournament must stand as official.
The manual adjustments made to change the trackwrestling scores to match the scores of the original tournament are shown and explained in each team`s scoring detail.