Grafton Black Hawks Dual Tournament
Welcome to the Grafton Dual Meet Tournament on January 28th, 2006. Each team will wrestle five duals. The purpose of the tournament is to get each wrestler five matches.
Participating Teams: Grafton, Kiel, Valders, Lomira, Elkhorn, Wilmot Union
Please send your line-ups by Wednesday January 25th. So I can enter them into the computer.
Officials: Mike Huettl, Bob Longdin, Gary Teeters, and Cal Stanke
Weigh-ins: 8:00am We will weigh-in by team.
The building will open at 7:30 am.
Coaches Meeting: 8:30-9:00am We will designate a wrestler to be considered for a medal at each weight class.
Wrestling will Begin at 9:00am.
We will run the tournament on three mats. In order to make sure the tournament runs smoothly we will take a ten minute break between each dual.
I will have a coaches room set up for lunch. Depending on time we will take a lunch break between rounds three and four. This may change depending on coaches and officials.
The team champion will be determined by the best dual record and then head-to-head competition. Winning team will receive a trophy. In case of a tie we will use the National Federation tiebreaker Criteria.
We will give medals for the top three records in each weight class.
1st Place= 5-0 2nd Place= 4-1 3rd Place= 3-2
The criteria for determining a tie at each weight class will be:
1. Head –to-head competition.
2. Most falls in tournament.
3. If still tied, both wrestlers share the place.
I had my Athletic director order extra medals to avoid mailing medals in case of a tie.
Please send your line-ups by Wednesday January 25th. So I can enter them into the computer.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact me:
Home phone: 262-370-1419
Work: 262-376-5643
Thank You for attending,
Mike Dodge
Grafton Wrestling