Time Schedule:
Weign In: 8:30-9:15 a.m. in the wrestling room above the fieldhouse
Coaches Meeting: 9:15-10:00 a.m. Middle School Room 036
First Round: 10:15 a.m.
Quarter Finals and 1st wrestle back round: 12:00 Noon
Semi Finals & 3rd & 4th wrestle back rounds: 2:30 p.m.
Chamiponship & 3rd & 5th place rounds: 5:00 p.m.
4 mats to be used for 1st round, quarterfinals and semi-final matches, and 3 mats for 5th place, 3rd place and championship matches.
Meals: We will have sandwiches, pizza and other snacks available throughout the day in the cafeteria sponsored by the Wrestling Club. Coaches will receive tickets.
Coaches Meeting: The coaches meeting will beheld at 9:15 a.m. The location is Middle School Room 036. Coffee, milk and rolls will be available during the meeting.
Officials: Five officials will work the tournament: Kevin Guillette, Jim Hebel, Mike Holland, Emil Kuhn, John Shefchik. They will conduct the prematch meeting.
Awards: A trophy for first and second place teams will be awarded after the finals. Medals will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in each weight class. MVP voted on by coaches immediately upon completion.
Entry Fee: $140.00
Publicity: Any publicity that you can give through your school and your local paper will be appreciated.
Towels & Valuables: No towels will be furnished by Freedom. Instruct your team to bring their own towels. In no case will the host school be responsible for any losses that may occur.
Locker Room Assignments: Girls Varsity Locker Room: BayPort, Appleton East, Pioneer Westfield; Middle School Girls PE Locker Room: Arrowhead, Two Rivers, Kiel, Berlin; Middle School Boys PE Locker Room: Whitefish Bay, Ashwaubenon, Milwaukee Custer; Boys High School PE Locker Room: Turtle Lake, Denmark, Green Bay Preble.
Freedom High School is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Please lock all vauables. We ask coaches to police their locker rooms at the completion of the tourney.
Tourney Location: The tournament is in our fieldhouse. Enter the parking lot near the intersection of Highway 55 and County Highway S. Teams should enter the north side of building. Tickets may be picked up by coaches at that time in the lobby.
Cleanliness: Please instruct your wresstlers to use the waste can for all waste material and garbage. Help keep our school clean and neat. The facilities will be crowded, so your cooperation is imperative. Please do not bring frying pans or hot pots. NO FOOD OR REFRESHMENTS ARE ALLOWED IN THE FIELDHOUSE AT ANY TIME. COOLERS WILL HAVE TO BE KEPT IN THE CAFETERIA NOT IN THE FIELDHOUSE PLEaSE ALERT PARTICIPANTS AND PARENTS OF THIS.
Buses & Cars: Buses should be parked in the west parking lot between FHS and the football field. The bus may pick you up in the driveway on the north side of the fieldhouse after the tournament. Cars should park in the north or east parking lots and not on Highway 55 nor County Highway S.
Tickets: Admissino policies - Each school shall be allowed free admission for up to 14 members of the team, 2 managers, Head Coach and 2 Assistant Coaches, 1 statistician, 3 for coaches wives, and cheerleaders in uniform. The head coach should pick up the tickets fromt the Athletic Director prior to the start of the tournament. Only all day tickets will be sold: Adults $5.00 Students $3.00 Elementary $1.00.
Brackets: 16 man brackets will be used!
A certified Athletic Trainer, Melissa Gehring, will be available, along with other staff from the Prevea Sports Medicine Clinic.