To: Wrestling Coaches, ADs, Meet Officials and Media at Baraboo, Belmont/Platteville, Boscobel, Cochrane Fountain City, Darlington, Heritage Christian, Holmen, Ithaca, Lodi, Middleton, Monroe, Richland Center, River Valley, Riverdale, Sugar River, Waukon Senior
From: Aaron Mithum, Assistant Principal / Activities Director
Sharon Long, Activity Directors Secretary
Fuzz McCauley, Head Wrestling Coach
Re: RCHS Wrestling Invite Info
Date: December 16th, 2006
Inclement Weather: In case of inclement weather a decision will be made by 6 a.m. Saturday morning. If cancelled it will not be rescheduled. Please call Aaron Mithum at (608) 604 0804 if you have any questions. There will also be an announcement on WRCO radio.
Weigh Ins: 8:00 a.m. (there will be a 1 pound allowance)
Coachs Meeting: 9:00 a.m.
First Round: 10:00 a.m. Subsequent rounds will follow (4 mats)
2:30 p.m- Round 2
4:30 p.m Consolation / Finals
(2nd and 3rd round times are only approximate)
(Matches will be three two-minute periods except in the consolation round where they are 1-2-2)
Seeding: All Coaches must access the track-wrestling program and have their team info in by Friday, December 15th!
Team Admission: 3 coaches, 14 wrestlers, 1 manager, 1 cheerleading coach, 1 bus driver and a maximum of 6 cheerleaders in uniform will be admitted
Locker Room: Teams will be assigned to locker rooms upon arrival (We are not responsible for lost or stolen items) *Wrestlers are responsible to provide their own towels and locks.
Warm Up Area: A warm-up area will be available in the north part of the field house.
Cheerleaders: There will be a hospitality room for cheerleaders
Bus Parking: Buses should park in the lower lot by the athletic complex
Trainer: A trainer will be present all day
Concessions: Concessions will be provided and no coolers are allowed in the gym!
*Coaches please stress this to your wrestlers.
Hospitality Room: A hospitality room will be provided for 3 coaches, officials, and tournament workers.
Admission: All Day - $6.00 - Adult $5.00 Student
Finals - $4.00 - Adult $3.00 Student
Radios and Boomboxes: Radios and boomboxes are not allowed in the building
AV Equipment: All team taping will be done at the mat side. There will be three chairs and one chair is for videotaping. If you do not videotape the chair should remain vacant.
Press Passes: Media should identify themselves at the door and will be admitted without charge.
General Information: No noisemakers, banners, or signs will be allowed
Awards: Medals will be given for 1st through 5th place in each weight class.
A Most Valuable Wrestler Award, voted on by the head coaches, will be
presented following the 275 lb award session.
Officials: Mike Nickelatti, Scott Brookman, Kirk Layer, Dan Engelke, Steve Williamson, Lynn Isensee
Entry Fee: $150 due by tournament start
Tournament Scoring:
1st place16 points 4th place7 points
2nd place12 points 5th place5 points
3rd place9 points 6th place3 points
Advancement points Championship Bracket - 2 points
(except for final placement win)
Advancement Points Consolation Bracket - 1 point
(except for final placement win)
Forfeit, Fall, Default, Disqualification - 2 points
Technical Fall (15 or more points) - 1 points
Major Decision (8-11 points) - 1 point
Should you have any questions please contact Sharon Long at (608) 647 8603
or Aaron Mithum at (608) 647 6131.
Aaron J. Mithum
Assistant Principal / Activities Director
Richland Center High School