Lumberjack Conference Wrestling Tournament
Saturday Feb. 3rd. 2007
To: Conference AD.s, Principals and Coaches
From: John Habas, Athletic Director
Participating Schools: Ashland, Lakeland, Medford, Park Falls, Phillips, and Tomahawk
Tentative time schedule: 8:30 weigh-ins
9:00 to 9:45 Coaches Seeding Meeting
10:30 - 11:45 Round 1
11:45 - 12:30 Round 2
12:30 - 1:45 Round 3
1:45 - 2:15 Break
2:15 - 3:30 Round 4
3:30 - 4:45 Round 5 Finals
5:00 - 5:30 Awards
Officials: William Schroeder, Mike Schueller, Phil Amstadt, and Pete Miller
Awards: Medals to individual champions of each weight class and Lumberjack Conference trophy.
Locker Rooms: Mens: Ashland Womens: Lakeland
Medford Park Falls
Phillips Tomahawk
Medical Coverage: Denise Anderson, Ashland High School athletic trainer on site.
Concession: Pancake and Sausage Breakfast by Ashland Wrestling Club from 8:00 - 10:00
DECA Clubs of Ashland High School 9:00 to end of day
Team Parking: Behind School in lot.
Ticket Prices: ADULT $3.00 STUDENT/CHILD/SENIOR $2.00
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact John Habas, 715-682-7089 or Jeanne Pearce at 715-682-7087 ext. 2127.