Ashland Northland Invite 2008

Ashland Northland Invite 2008

Northland Invite Ashland High School January 19, 2008 Weigh In: 8:30 Coaches Meeting: 9:00 Entry fee: $130.00 per team can be sent or brought to tournament Checks should be made out to: Ashland Wrestling Club and sent to Jeanne Pearce 50039 Griffith Road Ashland, WI 54806 Wrestling will begin at 10:00 Round Robin Tournament We will run two mats. Medals for 1st through 4th places Team Trophies for 1st, 2nd. and 3rd. Places Teams are: Ashland, Bayfield, Luck, Menominee MI, Northwoods, Phillips, Rice Lake, and Superior Referees: Dale Damon and Will Slayton Admission: Adults $5.00 Seniors & Students $3.00 Concessions will be provided all day. For information or questions please contact : Jeanne Pearce 682-7087 or Please enter your Line-Up by Wed. Jan. 16th on the www.trackwrestling site. Jeanne Pearce
Event Info
Ashland Northland Invite 2008 on Jan 19, 2008 in Mauston, WI.