2012 Catholic High Duals

2012 Catholic High Duals

WEIGH-IN TIME: 12:45 PM IN THE CHS WRESTLING ROOM Make sure you bring your weigh-in sheet and alpha master for each coach to have. WRESTLING WILL BEGIN AT 1:45 P.M. ENTRY FEE: I would ask that each team pay for $160. We will run four dual meets at a time in pool format. The winners of the each pool will wrestle each other. The 2nd team in each pool will wrestle so on. If you have any questions please give me a call at school (225) 383-0397 / cell (225) 954-2762 or email me at tprochaska@catholichigh.org
Event Info
2012 Catholic High Duals on Dec 1, 2012 in Baton Rouge, LA.