2009 Blossom Valley Athletic League JV

2009 Blossom Valley Athletic League JV

Blossom Valley Athletic League JV Wrestling Championships February 13, 2009 Pioneer High School 1 lb allowance. weights are 98, 106, 115, ect. All timelines and pertinent information for the BVAL JV Wrestling Championships Fees: The JV entry fee will be $5.00 per wrestler or $70.00 per team of 14 wrestlers. Please make checks payable to Pioneer High School. Team Line-ups: Team line up?s will be submitted to www.trackwrestling.com. All user names and passwords will be issued prior to February 4, 2009. All teams must submit team rosters online Wednesday, February 11, 2009 before 7:00 PM. Any changes after this time will need to be emailed to Mike Medlock at gusfroglip@aol.com. Two wrestlers per weight class. Weigh In?s: Mini Gym at 1:30PM. No Weight Allowance (CIF + 2 lbs, 97, 105, 114, etc.) Teams will be weighed in on a first come basis. No coaches will be allowed in the weigh in area. Female wrestlers will be weighed in the wrestling room. Coaches Meeting: Coaches meeting will be held at 3:10 PM sharp in the Media Center. Two coaches bands per team. An additional band will be given for teams with 8 or more wrestlers. Tournament Format: Begins at 3:30 PM (approximately) 5 mats and 9 officials. Wrestle straight through-no breakdown for finals. Brackets: 12 man bracket with preliminaries (see example at www.trackwrestling.com) Awards: Wrestlers must be in uniform to accept their award and individual certificates. Hospitality: Will be provided for two coaches only. Miscellaneous: ? Concessions will be provided ? No food, drinks or ice cooler allowed in the gymnasium ? An Athletic Trainer will be available during the tournament ? Showers available upon request ? Stat keepers and managers must pay admission to get into the tournament per BVAL Time line (approximate): 3:30-4:00PM Preliminaries Round 1 4:00-5:30PM Round 1 5:30-5:45PM Preliminaries Round 2 5:45-7:00PM Quarters and 1st Con 7:00-8:15PM Semis, Wrestle Backs and 2nd Con 8:15-9:30PM Medal Round Have a great tournament!! Sincerely, Mike Medlock, Pioneer Wrestling/Tournament Director (408)813-5899 or e-mail gusfropglip@aol.com .
Event Info
2009 Blossom Valley Athletic League JV on Feb 13, 2009 in San Jose, CA.