TO: Head Wrestling Coach and/or Athletic Director
FROM: Josh Lowe, Bison Kickoff Classic Tournament Director
RE: 2009 Bison Kickoff Wrestling Classic
The Bison Kickoff Wrestling Classic will be held on Saturday, December 5th at Beachwood High School (South Gym); 25100 Fairmount Blvd, Beachwood OH 44122. Wrestling will commence at 10AM.
8:00 AM -> weigh-ins
*Please be at the school prior to the start of weigh-ins, as weigh-ins will start on time as scheduled*
Due to Geneva having a dual meet scheduled for Friday night (12-4-09), weights will be scratch-plus-one; however, making weight at scratch still counts for certification in terms of the ?state tournament series?
9:20 AM -> coaches? meeting (brackets will be presented at that time)
10:00 AM -> wrestling commences on four mats
NOTE: The tournament will run continuously until the final placement round. At that point, a break of approximately 30-45 minutes will occur. There will then be a parade of teams followed by the placement matches on four mats, which will be wrestled continuously until completion (i.e. 103-285).
Beachwood, (Medina) Buckeye, Columbia, Cuyahoga Hts, East Tech, Fairview, Geneva, John Adams, Notre Dame-Cathedral Latin, Shaker Hts, and Westlake
Contracts from all eleven teams currently committed to the event have been received. The entry fee for this year?s event is $230. Please return by mail all entry fee checks to: Beachwood High School, c/o Athletic Director, 25100 Fairmount Blvd, Beachwood Ohio 44122. Checks should be made payable to Beachwood Athletic Boosters, with a note indicating Kickoff Classic at the bottom.
Please return entry fees ASAP. Note that your wrestling team will not weigh-in and compete in this tournament should the entry fee not be paid.
Jim Behrens (head), Kevin Coates, Jeff Fide, Randy Green, John Mastrey, and Tony Smerk
The tournament will be conducted as a one-day pool tournament. Weight classes formats:
*those with six wrestlers or less = true round-robin
*those with seven or eight = two pools, then four-man brackets for top placers and bottom placers *those with nine or ten = two pools, the top four in each wrestling a cross-pool placement match
*those with eleven or twelve (only if all schools have a wrestler entered) = four pools with two preliminary matches; two per pool go to eight-man bracket, third wrestlers compete in round-robin
NOTE: Teams will be allowed to enter (non-scoring) extra wrestlers in order to accommodate those bracket numbers. Ideally each wrestler will come out of the day with four or five matches.
Placement will be up to eight wrestlers. Awards will be given out to the top four finishers per weight class. Additional awards will be given out to the team champion and runner-up, as well as the Most Outstanding Wrestler.
Up to six wrestlers will be seeded in each weight class. Pool A gets the 1st, 4th, and 5th seeds; Pool B the 2nd, 3rd, and 6th seeds. Criteria are as follows:
(1) State tournament place in 2009
(2) District tournament place in 2009, top 4
(3) District tournament place in 2009, 5th or 6th
(4) Sectional tournament place in 2009, 1st or 2nd
(5) Season record for 2008-09, minimum of 8 matches (> 50% win percentage)
(6) Sectional tournament place in 2009, 3rd or 4th
Criteria tiebreaker is the next level. Criteria #6 tiebreaker will be wins
The above criteria chart supersedes the sort done by the online entry system.
NOTE: There will be no seeding meeting. The online registration process will be used to determine seeds, and set up the brackets.
Please register all wrestlers that you wish to possibly compete in the tournament into the online system, both starters and extras. If the wrestler is not entered in the online registration, they are not eligible to compete in the tournament. In addition, there will be no weight class changes after the registration deadline.
Since the allocation of extras will not be done until after weigh-ins, all entered wrestlers should weigh-in. The primary purpose of the extras is to create even weight classes per the formats listed above (i.e. having 6, 8, 10, or 12 wrestlers in a weight). Allocation of extras will be done at the discretion of the tournament director -- in the most reasonable and equitable way possible.
Extra wrestlers will not be seeded, nor placed in the same pool as their teammate (scoring wrestler).
Follow the instructions below to explain the use of TrackWrestling for registration of your team roster. Your user name and password will be sent through e-mail.
Please click for the direct link to the tournament.
To find our tournament, when you get to the site (, you will see a search events area. In that area, select ?Ohio? from the drop down menu for ?state held in?. Our tournament will then populate in the tournament login area.
1) Log-in using your user name/password combination
2) Click ?proceed?
3) For each of the weight classes, select the link and fill in as appropriate.
a) In the ?season record? area, make sure to enter the wrestler?s 2008-09 record.
b) Scoring: ?Yes? indicates the wrestler is the starter, ?No? indicates a non-starter.
4) Click on ?Save Participant?. It will flow into ?Criteria Values?. Follow directions as appropriate (do not fill in the other participant information field), and then click on ?Save participant information?
5) Also skip the ?Head-to-Head? link as that does not apply for this event.
6) Go back to ?My Participants?. Select the appropriate links to fill out the starting lineup (steps 3-5).
7) For non-starters, click ?Add wrestler?. Complete as per step 3 (Select ?No? in scoring). Click on that individual?s name, select ?Criteria Values? and complete as necessary. Then follow step 5. Repeat process as necessary for all reserves.
The deadline for completing registration of your team will be 6:00 PM on Friday, December 4th.
Placements: 1st - 17, 2nd - 16, 3rd - 11, 4th - 10, 5th - 7, 6th - 6, 7th - 4, 8th - 3
Each match win (be it in pools, bracket, or the placement match): injury default/pin/disqualification/forfeit = 6, technical fall = 5, major decision = 4, decision = 3; byes (either pool or bracket) are worth 3 points
There will be one available for coaches and officials only, location to be announced. The only meal to be served will be lunch, and there will be additional light snacks as well.
The concession stand will be located by the entrance to the South Gym, and will be in operation starting 30 minutes prior to wrestling through the end of the tournament (9:30 AM to close).
?Passes? allowing free admission will be granted to the following: all team members and coaches. Admission for the day will be $5.00
Upon completion of the seeding meeting, a set of brackets will be printed out and given to each team?s head coach ? one per team; they will also be available for sale by the ticket gate/concession area for $3.00. Results will be e-mailed by tournament management to media outlets (i.e. The Plain Dealer,, etc). If there is a media outlet you want results e-mailed to, please notify the tournament director.
Updated brackets will be posted during the duration of the day in the gymnasium area. In addition, updates of tournament results, as well as final tournament results, will be available through
For your information, the text messaging update feature of TrackWrestling will be in effect for this event as well.
Josh Lowe, Tournament Director. E-mail:
Ryan Peters - Athletic Director, Beachwood High School. E-mail:, Phone: 216-831-2080, x210