Ithaca-Weston Wrestling Invitational
Held at Weston high School
January 14, 2012
Participating Schools: Blackhawk, Boscobel, Cashton, Cochrane/Fountain City, Fort Atkinson, Iowa-Grant, La Crosse Logan, Marshall Pecatonica-Argyle, Richland Center, River Ridge/Cassville, Sparta Varsity Reserves, Waterloo, Weston-Ithaca
We will run a 12 team scramble bracket, placing to 12 places.
Time Schedule: (approximate)
8:00 AM Weigh-ins
8:30 AM Seeding meeting (room 311)
10:00 AM Wrestling starts.
Officials: Craig Nueroth, Eric Reukauf, Joe Puetz, Tim Engelke, & Curtis Fiedler
Tournament Scoring: See Trackwrestling for team scoring.
Seeding Criteria:
1. WIAA State Placement in 2011
2. WIAA State Qualifier in 2011
3. Has had 7 matches toward record
4. Winning percentage from this year’s season (.500 or above)
5. Record Wins
6. Ithaca-Weston Invite place from 2011
Team Admission: 2 coaches, 14 wrestlers, 2 managers, 1 bus driver, 6 cheerleaders in uniform and 1 cheerleader advisor will be admitted free of charge.
Each school is responsible for their own locks, towels, and valuables. We will not be responsible for any lost or stolen items.
Trainer: A trainer from Mile Bluff will be on site all day.
Concessions: No carry-ins allowed. There will be concessions available all day.
Hospitality Room: There will be a hospitality room set up for cheerleaders and coaches throughout the day.
All sessions Adults-$6 Students-$3
Single Session Adults-$3 Students-$2
Contact Information: For any questions please contact David Wermund at 608-495-0294