6th Annual Shawnee Mission Duals

6th Annual Shawnee Mission Duals

6th Annual Shawnee Mission Duals Hosted by Shawnee Mission Northwest 3:30 pm February 7th, 2014 Location: Shawnee Mission Northwest Main Gym Wrestler Skin Check in 3:15 in the NW Wrestling Room The order of duals: Round South Mat North Mat Bye Starting Weight Rd 1 South vs. West Northwest vs. East North 170 Rd 2 Northwest vs. South North vs. West East 182 Rd 3 South vs. East Northwest vs. North West 195 Rd 4 East vs. West South vs. North Northwest 220 Rd 5 Northwest vs. West North vs. East South 285 Scoring: Team with the highest dual record wins. If there is a tie, the head to head match will decide the winner. If there is a three way tie, total team points will determine the final outcome. Roster: Rosters are due by 3pm on Wednesday, Feb. 5th. Please remember to include all wrestlers that may participate in the event. Hospitality: We will not have a dinner break, but a hospitality room for all coaches and administrators will be located in the Cafeteria and food will be provided by Shawnee Mission Northwest. Weigh-in: Scan and Email weigh in sheets ASAP on Friday morning 2/7/14 to nwnewcom@smsd.org Concessions: We will have a concession stand for snacks and drinks. Entrance Fee: Please inform your parents and fans that we will be charging admission. Ticket Prices are $7 for adults and $5 for students K-12. Only coaches and administrators on your pass list will be allowed in without a ticket. Pass List: Please send Howard Newcomb (nwnewcom@smsd.org) your list of coaches and administrators that will be attending. Any Questions please contact Howard Newcomb or Richard Grinage nwgrinag@smsd.org. Tie Breaker for Duals Rule 9-2: a. The team whose opposing wrestlers or team personnel has been penalized the greater number of team points for flagrant misconduct or unsportsmanlike conduct shall be declared the winner. b. The team whose HEAD COACH has been penalized the (least) number of team points FOR COACH MISCONDUCT shall be declared the winner. c. The team whose opposing wrestlers were penalized the greater number of match points for unsportsmanlike conduct during a match shall be declared the winner. d. The team having won the greater number of matches (including forfeits) shall be declared the winner. e. The team having accumulated the greater number of falls, defaults, forfeits and DQ’s shall be declared the winner. f. The team having the greater number of technical falls shall be declared the winner. g. The team having the greater number of major decisions shall be declared the winner. h. The team having the greater number of (total match points) of first points scored shall be declared the winner. i. The team having the greater number of points for near-falls shall be declared the winner. j. The team having the greater number of takedowns shall be declared the winner. k. The team having the greater number of reversals shall be declared the winner. l. The team having the greater number of escapes shall be declared the winner. m. The team whose opponent has been penalized the greater number of points for stalling shall be declared the winner. n. The team whose opponent has been warned more often for stalling shall be declared the winner. o. The team whose opponent has the greater number of penalties for all other infractions (i.e. false starts) p. If none of the above resolves the tie, a flip of the disk will determine the winner. Upon determining the winning team by use of the tiebreaking system, a single team point shall be added to the prevailing team. The method of recording the score in breaking team ties shall be the score followed by the letter of the criterion that broke the tie (e.g. Team A 16; Team B 17, e)
Event Info
6th Annual Shawnee Mission Duals on Feb 7, 2014 in Shawnee Mission, KS.