Beast of the Beach

Beast of the Beach

LOCATION: Fort Walton Beach High School-we will have 3 mats in the gym and 3 mats in the cafeteria. WEIGH-IN: Friday AM Pool- 8:00 AM Saturday PM Pool- 2:00 PM Saturday-8:00 AM ALL TEAMS Wrestling will start at 9:00 AM both days Friday PM Pool will start at 3:00 PM FANS: $10.00 FOR 18 YEARS OLD AND UP PER DAY. COST: $400.00 before November 20th, 2023 $425.00 after November 20th, 2023 Make Checks Payable: FWBHS WRESTLING 400 Hollywood BLVD SW Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548 HOST HOTEL: The Island-Click the below link, select the dates and room type you are interested in on the booking screen and click BOOK NOW: Beast of the Beach Wrestling Tournament Guests may also book over the phone by calling 850-337-9194. Monday through Friday 9:00 am to 6:00 pm CDT to make their reservations
Event Info
Beast of the Beach on Dec 22, 2022 through Dec 23, 2022 in Fort Walton Beach, FL.