Wisconsin Dells Invitational

Wisconsin Dells Invitational

45th Annual Dells Wrestling Invitational The Wisconsin Dells Athletic Department welcomes you to the 45th annual Wisconsin Dells Wrestling Invitational on January 28, 2012 at Wisconsin Dells High School. Necessary information for this year?s invite will be included in this correspondence. Please feel free to call Chris Lechnir at 608-253-1461 Ext. 1005, Cell 608-432-3400 or email at clechnir@sdwd.k12.wi.us. PARTICIPATING SCHOOLS: Grand Meadow/LeRoy-Ostrander/Kingsland (Minnesota), Homestead, Kenosha Christian, LaCrosse Aquinas, North Crawford/Seneca, Omro, Reedsburg, Belleville/Sugar River, Watertown, Waunakee, Wisconsin Dells OFFICIALS: Kirk Layer, Scott Brookman, Matt Boyer, Jeff Brundidge TIME TABLE: 8:00: Weigh-Ins in the Wrestling Room 8:40: Coaches/Seeding meeting in Upper Level LMC. 9:30: First Round Begins. We may start earlier if everything is ready to go. Round 2: Semifinals and first round wrestlebacks (3 mats) Lunch Break (20-30 minutes) Round 3: Wrestlebacks (3 mats) Short Break (15 minutes) 4:00 ? Placement matches: May start earlier if time permits. TRACKWRESTLING: We will be using Trackwrestling for the tournament. Each school will be emailed a log-in. Please follow the guidelines and deadlines listed on Trackwrestling. Please send any changes or updates after the final deadline to tbraun@sdwd.k12.wi.us. Please put this information in by Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2012 to allow us enough time to print programs. LOCKER ASSIGNMENTS: Boy?s Locker Room: Aquinas, Reedsburg, GMLOK, Omro, Wisconsin Dells, Kenosha Christian Girl?s Locker Room: North Crawford/Seneca, Belleville/Sugar River, Watertown, Waunakee, Homestead ADMISSION PRICES: $5.00 COACHES HOSPITALITY ROOM: Room 500, Coffee, juices, donuts CONCESSIONS: Will be available all day. Coolers are not allowed in the gym. If you have any questions please contact either person listed below. Chris Lechnir, Wisconsin Dells Associate Principal/Athletic Director. Wk. 608-253-1461 Ext. 1005, Cell 608-432-3400 or email clechnir@sdwd.k12.wi.us Jeff Campbell, Head Wrestling Coach Cell: 608-386-1259 School: 608-253-2467 Ext. 2146 or email jecampbell@sdwd.k12.wi.us AWARDS: Medals given for the top 3 placements in each weight class. Plaques will be given to top two teams and Most Valuable Wrestler.
Event Info
Wisconsin Dells Invitational on Jan 28, 2012 in Wisconsin Dells, WI.