Black River Falls High School
1200 Pierce St
Black River Falls, WI 54615
Google Map
Tournament Information
To: Wrestling Coaches of: Abby-Colby, Adams-Friendship, Auburndale, Black
River Falls, Cashton, Stanley-Boyd, Nekoosa, West Salem/Bangor, Whitehall, and Portage
From: Tom Leadholm/Jim Hornby, BRF Athletic Directors and Steve Markee, Head Wrestling Coach
Date: November 24, 2010
BRF Wrestling Tournament, December 4, 2010
Welcome to the Black River Falls Wrestling Invitational Saturday, December 4, 2010. It`s great to have all teams returning from last year`s meet.
As your contract stated the Weigh-in time is 8:00 a.m. and closing whenever everybody is in. Wrestling will begin at 10:15 a.m. Note: we will be using an electronic scale. The consolation round matches will stay at 5 minutes.
**** Please make us aware ASAP if you wrestle Friday night so we may notify teams of a 1 pound allowance for Saturday`s weigh-in.****
The BRF Tournament will again take place in the BRF High School Gymnasium. The high school is on HWY 54 West. Enter on the west end of the school closest to the tennis courts and the back parking lot.
Concessions will be sold. The seeding meeting will be held in room 602 this year, as will the coaches hospitality room.
You or your Athletic Director should have received a notification that we will be using this year for our tournament. If you have not responded yet, please do so to our tournament director (Jim Rufsholm) at Deadlines for line-up entry are included in the notification message.