GIT Pool Tournament

GIT Pool Tournament

2011 Grizzly Invitational Wrestling Tournament TOURNEY DATE: Saturday, January 29, 2011 TEAM PARTICIPANTS (12): Garretsville Garfield, GlenOak, Ellet, NC Hoover, Midview, Eastlake North, Olentangy Liberty, Sandusky, University School, Valley Forge,Warren Howland, and Wadsworth TIMES: Saturday`s opening round will begin when brackets are complete approximately 9:00AM. Saturday POOL MATCHES begin 9:00 AM-11:00 AM. / 8 man bracket begin at noon; SEMIFINALS will begin approx. at 1:30 PM. CONSOLATION /ROUND ROBIN/ 7th and 8th will follow 2 PM-4:30 PM Saturday night FINALS (1-6) will begin at 6:00 PM. Gates open at 5:30 PM. NOTE: Gym and locker areas will be cleared at least one hour prior to FINALS and passes checked. REMEMBER NO SEEDING MEETING: HOW TO ENTER WRESTLERS: 1. GO TO WWW.TRACKWRESTLING.COM 2. AT THE LEFT City ENTER WADSWORTH AND HIT ENTER 3.CLICK ON GIT POOL TOURNAMENT 4.GO DOWN TO THE DROP DOWN BOX AND CLICK ON VIEWER 5.CLICK ENTER AND IT SHOULD BRING YOU TO THE TOURNAMENT PAGE AND AT THE LEFT YOU CAN CLICK 6.YOU WILL GET AN EMAIL WITH A LINK IN IT, WHICH THEY CAN CLICK AND IT WILL LOG THEM RIGHT IN. REGISTER PRIOR TO NOON ON WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26. LATE ENTRIES PRIOR TO NOON ON THURSDAY, JANUARY 27 ANY PROBLEMS CALL CELL PHONE: 330-603-4574 OR E-MAIL : OTHER EMERGENCY CONTACTS: ATHLETIC OFFICE 330-336 -3260 OR CHRIS KALLAI CELL 330-603-4574 SEEDING CRITERIA ONLY : In order to be seeded a wrestler must meet the following crIterIa: Please use the highest number which applies in the 2010-2011 Accomplishments Box using the on-line entry tools. Example: If my wrestler was a state placer last year I will put a “2” in that text box. If no criteria applies just leave that box empty. l) State Champion 2) State Placer 3) State Qualifier 4) GIT 2010 Champion any weight 5) GIT 2010 Placer (2-6) same weight 6) GIT 2010 Placer (2-6) any weight 7) Current 2010-11 Win/Loss record (Minimum 10 matches/500 or better record/coin toss on tie) *We will seed up to 8 Wrestlers for the purpose of not re-drawing a bracket if a seeded wrestler drops out. WRESTLER CHANGES: A) Once a wrestler declares a weight class from the e-mail sheet, he cannot wrestle another weight class. B) If a non seeded wrestler drops out, he can be replaced by another non -seeded wrestler. C) If a seeded wrestler drops out, he may be replaced by a non seeded wrestler and the next seeded wrestler will be drawn onto the bracket. D) re-draws: On Saturday morning the Computer director, tournament director and Managers will re-draw the bracket sheets E) Coaches will be given a completed bracket sheet with the changes before the first session. SATURDAY WEIGH-INS: 7:00AM ALL WEIGHT REDUCTION METHODS WILL CEASE ONCE WEIGH INS BEGIN. OHSAA weigh-in rule and procedure will be followed once again. We will weigh in by team on a first come basis. 2 additional pounds will be given 103 weight class will be 105. To alleviate delays in starting the GIT on time, we are asking you, your staff and wrestlers for the fullest cooperation. We are planning to have weight check from 6:30 AM- 7:00 AM. All teams must be here at 6:45AM. We will start weigh-ins at 7:00 AM and continue through 8:00 AM. No one may leave the weighin area after entry. Each wrestler will have the alloted attempts per OHSAA rules to make weight. Also teams that arrive late may forfeit their right to wrestle in the GIT. Please call by cell phone if there is an emergency why a team or team member may be late. Please have your team ready to speed weigh ins. a coach must be at weigh-ins to verify roster and give any changes immediately to the director. CONTINUED FEATURES: BOUT BOARD: this will make bout numbers easier to view and will make wrestling more enjoyable at this year`s GIT. 3-SIdEd CLOCKS: this year fans, coaches and wrestlers will be once again treated to 3-sided scoreboards. PRE-FINALS PRESENtAtION: We will introduce the alumni wrestlers and little sis. We will honor the Mike Kallai family. We will unveil the StatE championship banner. FINALS: We will wrestle on three mats in the final round, placing 1st through 6th place. 7th and 8th place and round robin matches will be wrestled during the afternoon final consolation round. 7th and 8th placers will not be recognized during the Finals. PLACING ANd tROPHIES: A. Trophies will be awarded to teams finishing 1st through 3rd. B. Places 1st through 4th will be awarded plaques with wrestlers name. Place 5th and 6th will receive a medal. C. MVP will be voted by coaches. d. Fastest pin PASSES/OPERAtIONS: A. Coaches and participants must have passes to enter the floor area.Wrestlers and Coaches must enter through the tunnel on the Southeast side of the floor. NO STATISTICIANS ON FLOOR. B. Four complimentary hospitality wrist bands will be given. C. Bout Board will be used and wrestler will not be allowed on floor until his number reaches the board. d. nO FOOd Or drInK In GyM arEa. E. Media, photographers, and reporters must have a pass to enter floor area and head table. F. Sports Medicine trainer on duty during sessions. Ice will be provided for injuries. MISCONDUCT: any theft or destruction of property will result in the participants immediate ejection from the tournament and a deduction of any team points earned up to that point in the tournament. tICkEt PRICES: Price for adults per session——$8.00 Price for students per session—$5.00 ticket price for Both sessions—adults, $15.00; Students, $8.00 CONCESSIONS ANd FOOd: Doughnuts, muffins, fruit and juice will be sold at the Concession stand.Restaurants located north of town on High Street (Rt. 94) are applebee`s, Galaxy, Bob Evans, Burger King, Mcdonalds, Pizza Hut, Spunkmeyer`s, taco Bell, and Wendys. South of High Street: alexander`s, Cleats, domino`s Pizza, East of Chicago, and Longfellows. HOSPItALIty ROOM; This is designated for only the coaches and officials in Room 215. Four complimentary hospitality wrist bands will be given in order to enter. Please don`t abuse with extra coaches and parents. NO PLUGINS: Due to blown breakers and fire hazards there will be no plugins allowed anywhere in the facility, including crockpots and hot plates. Other team food is acceptable. Please notify your parent groups of this new safety policy. HOtEL ACCOMOdAtIONS: If you need a hotel to stay at, there are five to choose from in or near Wadsworth. you must indicate that you are with the Wadsworth Grizzly Invitational Wrestling tournament in order to receive the team price. l. Holiday Inn Express (330) 334-7666) (pool) 2. Ramada Limited (330) 336-7692 Ext. 153 3. Comfort Inn (Seville) (330)- 769-4949 (pool) 4. Hawthorne Suites (Seville) 330-769-5025 5. Courtyard Marriott Fairlawn (20 minutes from WHS) indoor pool and hot tub, 330-668-9090 DEADLINES: team Information: register online: by January 22, 2011 Entry fee: Wednesday, January, 26, 2011 Online seeding list: Wednesday, January, 26, 2011 before noon Final online seeding list: thursday, January 27, 2010 before noon Weight check: Saturday, January 29, 2011 6:30 aM-7:00aM Weighins begin: Saturday, January 29, 2011 7:00 AM by team on a first come basis. (2 additional lbs. 103/105)
Event Info
GIT Pool Tournament on Jan 29, 2011 in Wadsworth, OH.