Bauer Brawl

Bauer Brawl

1/05/2013 Bauer Brawl Nathan Hale High School 11601 West Lincoln Ave West Allis, Wisconsin 53227 Head Coach: Randy Ferrell To: Wrestling Coaches/Athletic Directors From: Randy Ferrell, Tournament Director 414-899-9502 Date of Tournament:: January 5, 2013 RE: Bauer Brawl the name of our tournament is the Bauer Brawl in recognition of a family that is very dear to the Nathan Hale Wrestling program. The gate income of this tournament will go to the Steve Bauer project to offer college scholarships to those looking to take the next step in education. To help our cause, please spread the message and bring a large group of fans to cheer on your team. Time Schedule: Weigh-Ins: 8:00 AM Coaches Meeting: Following Weigh-Ins First Round: 9:30 AM Matches will be run in the main gym with a small break after round 3. Concessions: The Nathan Hale wrestling parents will be operating the concession stand during the day. Please do not bring coolers, there will be no space provided for this. No carry-ins, all your snacks must fit in your gym bag. Food will be provided for coaches. ***Absolutely No glass bottles are allowed in either locker room or gym. Locker rooms will be locked during competition. Please ask your wrestlers to plan accordingly! Please also stress to your wrestlers to: 1. Bring their own locks. Locker space is limited. 2. Leave all valuable items at home. 3. Respect others property.(coaches please police own areas and wrestlers) Athletic Trainer: We will have a certified athletic trainer on duty all day. However, please bring your own athletic tape and under wrap. Potential Skin Problems: Check each and every one of your wrestlers for possible contagious skin diseases before you allow them to come. Any wrestler who has questionable skin rash or skin problem will not be allowed to compete without WIAA form and absolute confirmation that the skin problem is not contagious. Rosters: We will be using to run the tournament. If you need a user name or password please let me know. You will need to enter your tentative roster before 11:00 pm January 3, 2013. You may do this manually or by using track wrestling links from minimum weight roster to the duals program then to this tournament. Thank you, Randy Ferrell
Event Info
Bauer Brawl on Jan 5, 2013 in West Allis, WI.