Luxemburg-Casco Middle School Duals

Luxemburg-Casco Middle School Duals

8th Annual Luxemburg-Casco MIDDLE SCHOOL DUALS Sponsored by: LUXEMBURG-CASCO MIDDLE SCHOOL WRESTLING DATE: Saturday, Febuary 4, 2017 LOCATION: Luxemburg-Casco High School 512 Center Dr, Luxemburg, WI 54217 WEIGH-IN: 8:15-8:30 am, coaches meeting 8:30 am, first round 9:00-9:15 am Approx PARTICIPATING SCHOOLS: Bay View (Bay Port),Denmark, Southern Door , Kaukauna, Luxemburg-Casco, Freedom, and Neenah FORMAT: 2 Pools of 4 with cross bracketing top two in pools and bottom two in pools. 5 duals on the day AWARDS: Trophy to First Place team. CONCESSIONS WILL BE AVAILABLE WIAA OFFICIALS WILL BE USED TOURNAMENT PROCEDURES- WEIGH-INS: Participants may weigh-in by school. Must weigh-in in shorts, or suitable undergarment. Coaches must submit a weigh-in roster on trackwrestling for officials to record weights. The weight classes will be 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 112, 119, 126, 133, 140, 148, 160, 185, 245. ROSTERS: Coaches may make changes to their line-up after weigh-ins. A wrestler may be written on the final line-up roster one (1) weight class above the class he weighs in at. Please note that he will be locked into that weight for all duals throughout the day. All teams are required to take there whole team, not a select 17.
Event Info
Luxemburg-Casco Middle School Duals on Feb 4, 2017 in Luxemburg, WI.