Wisconsin Dells Invitational

Wisconsin Dells Invitational

WAUNAKEE WRESTLES FRIDAY NIGHT SO THERE WILL BE A ONE-POUND ALLOWANCE ON SATURDAY. 46th Annual Dells Wrestling Invitational PARTICIPATING SCHOOLS: Grand Meadow/LeRoy-Ostrander/Kingsland (Minnesota), Homestead, Darlington, LaCrosse Aquinas, North Crawford/Seneca, Omro, Berlin, Belleville/Sugar River, Watertown, Waunakee, Wisconsin Dells OFFICIALS: Kirk Layer, Scott Brookman, Matt Boyer, Wayne Keenan SCHEDULE: 8:00: Weigh-Ins in the Wrestling Room 8:30: Coaches/Seeding meeting in Upper Level LMC. 9:30: First Round Begins. We may start earlier if everything is ready to go. Round 2: Semifinals and first round wrestlebacks Lunch Break (20-30 minutes) Round 3: Wrestlebacks Short Break (15 minutes) 4:00 – Placement matches: May start earlier if time permits. ADMISSION PRICES: $5.00 COACHES HOSPITALITY ROOM: Room 500, Coffee, juices, donuts CONCESSIONS: Will be available all day. Coolers are not allowed in the gym. AWARDS: Plaques given to top two teams and most valuable wrestlers and medals given for the top 3 placements in each weight class. If you have any questions please contact either person listed below: Aaron Mack, Wisconsin Dells Athletic Director 608-253-1461 Ext. 1005 or email amack@sdwd.k12.wi.us. Jeff Campbell, Head Wrestling Coach 608-253-2467 Ext. 2146 or email jecampbell@sdwd.k12.wi.us.
Event Info
Wisconsin Dells Invitational on Jan 26, 2013 in Wisconsin Dells, WI.