Williamsburg Dual Team Wrestling Tournament
December 2nd, 2017
Start Time: 10:00 a.m.
Teams: Center Point-Urbana, East Buchanan, Belle Plaine, BGM, and Williamsburg
Location: Williamsburg High School, 810 West Walnut St.
Entry Fee: Our entry fee is $50.00. Please send your check to:
Curt Ritchie
Athletic Director
Williamsburg High School
810 W. Walnut Street
PO Box 120
Williamsburg, IA 52361
Entries: Please contact Curt Ritchie, AD, with complete entries for your program either via email (, or by cell (319-430-8973).
Weigh-in: Weigh-ins will be at 9:00 am in the wrestling room.
NOTE: Please complete email line-up by 1:00 p.m. Friday, December 1st so we can get names into the computer.
Sessions: 1st round will start at 10 am. We will do three rounds, take a short break then finish the final two rounds.
Lockers: Please secure your valuables carefully and bring your own towels. Do not leave valuables in the locker room area, take items with you to the gym. A
limited number of lockers are available.
Questions &/Or Concerns: Please direct to Curt Ritchie at 319-430-8973 or Coach Eckenrod (319)330-1413.
Round #1:
Mat 1 BGM vs. Belle Plaine
Mat 2 Center Point-Urbana vs. East Buchanan
Bye - Williamsburg
Round #2:
Mat 1 BGM vs. Williamsburg
Mat 2 Belle Plaine vs. East Buchanan
Bye - Center Point-Urbana
Round #3:
Mat 1 Williamsburg vs. Center Point-Urbana
Mat 2 BGM vs. East Buchanan
Bye - Belle Plaine
Round #4
Mat 1 Williamsburg vs. East Buchanan
Mat 2 Belle Plaine vs. Center Point-Urbana
Bye - BGM
Round #5
Mat 1 Williamsburg vs. Belle Plaine
Mat 2 BGM vs. Center Point - Urbana
Bye - East Buchanan
***We will wrestle any JV guys you can bring before each round!***