Freedom youth classic

Freedom youth classic

TOURNAMENT IS ON....rain sleet or snow! K-8 Medals for all participants Champs: Medal, Custom chart, and Champ t-shirt! OUTSTANDING Concessions available ALL DAY- INCLUDING BREAKFAST!!! You MUST per-register your wrestler on-line, deadline is Feb 9th at 12 noon. NO WALK INS OR LATE REG ACCEPTED - Events will be run in approx. 2- 2.5 hour sessions - Confirmation weigh-ins: First session: 8:00 Second Session: 10:30 - Our goal is to be wrestling the first session by 9:30am - The second session most likely will start around 11:30am Typically the first session is K-4 and the second session is 5-8,however, keep in mind it goes by age and not grade.` (ex: if your son is old for his class he may wrestler the later session when a younger child in his same grade may wrestle in the first session) The older age groups will be the first to be moved to later session. o Divisions: Born 2006-08, Born 2004-05, Born 2002-03, Born 2000-2001, Born 1998-99 3 one minute periods, NEW: Coin flip Choices: TOP BOTTOM OR NEUTRAL PLEASE LOG ONTO TRACKWRESTLING.COM TO DETERMINE WHAT SESSION YOUR CHILD WILL BE WRESTLING IN AFTER 8PM ON SATURDAY. - CLICK ON TOURNAMENTS (NOT PREREGISTRATION) - Find Freedom Youth Classic and click ON 2013 TOURNAMENT. - This will bring you to a page that list the brackets by divisions. - Click on the weight under the correct division for your child. This is their bracket. - Top right hand corner will state what session, mat and division your child is in. BORN date/weight s1 or s2 (this is session one or two) and mat
Event Info
Freedom youth classic on Feb 10, 2013 in Freedom, WI.