Johnson County Classic 2013

Johnson County Classic 2013

20th ANNUAL JOHNSON COUNTY CLASSIC WRESTLING TOURNAMENT Hosted by Blue Valley High School and BLUE VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL TIGER WRESTLING December 20-21, 2013 Time Schedule: Friday, December 20 Pool Rounds 1, 2 and 3 6 mats using both gyms 2:30 pm 30 minute Break between rounds 3 and 4 Pool Rounds 4 and 5 6 mats using both gyms around 6:30 pm Saturday, December 21 Rd 1 Championship Bracket 3 mats Main gym 10:00 am Consolation Brackets 3 mats Aux gym 10:00 am (these matches will break when the Rd 1 Champ matches are completed, then continue until all consolation matches are completed.) Lunch Break following First Round matches &654_________________________________________________________________#10;12:15pm 1st round wrestlebacks 1 mat (finish on 3) - Main Gym &654__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________#10;4:15pm ( The time schedule may vary if the matches run ahead or behind schedule.) Teams: Bishop Miege Blue Valley Blue Valley North Blue Valley Northwest Blue Valley Southwest Blue Valley West DeSoto Gardner-Edgerton Mill Valley Olathe East Olathe North Olathe Northwest Olathe South SM East SM North SM Northwest SM South SM West Spring Hill St. Thomas Aquinas Christ Prep Academy Awards: Format: Trophies to top four teams Pool format Medals to top six wrestlers Top two from each pool advance to Outstanding Wrestler Medal eight-man bracket on Saturday, all other Outstanding Senior Wrestler Medal wrestlers will wrestle out for 9th thru 20th T-shirts will be on sale. Admission each day: Adults $6.00 Students $4.00 Seniors $4.00
Event Info
Johnson County Classic 2013 on Dec 20, 2013 through Dec 21, 2013 in Stillwell, KS.