Davis Duals

Davis Duals

Davis Duals- November 21st at Davis High School. 8:30 am- 4 pm. Weigh-ins at 7 am, +2 lbs. We want to welcome you and your team to the 31st annual 2018 Davis Duals on Wednesday, November 21, 2018 at Davis High School. There will be 6 teams at this year`s tournament: Stansbury, Davis, Orem, Roy, Tooele, Provo and Layton Christian Academy. I want everyone to get 5 matches and have planned accordingly. We will be keeping the dual format and we will run the tournament on trackwrestling. The JV will be wrestled at the same time as Varsity and will wrestle round robins. We are hoping to place the JV and extra wrestlers in pods of 6. Please enter your Varsity and JV line-ups on Trackwrestling by Monday, November 19th. We will try to fill all the varsity line-ups first with JV wrestlers so the duals should be full. With 5 duals, we need to start earlier so that we can get kids home for the Thanksgiving break. We will be able to determine a varsity champion based on the duals, and they will need to have wrestled in all 5 matches to qualify for the shirt. There are long sleeve shirts for Varsity Dual Champions. Weigh-ins will be held at 7:00 am sharp in the wrestling room, please join with another team and weigh each other in. Scales will open at 6:30 am for wrestlers to check their weights. It is very important that you bring your ALPHA MASTER showing what weight each of your wrestlers can compete at for this week of the season. As we have done in the past, we will go scratch weight plus two so the weights will be 108, 116, 122 etc. We will begin the tournament at 8:30 am with the last dual starting at 2:30pm. This schedule is an estimate of actual times for the rounds; we will run ahead of schedule if we can so be sure to inform your parents. We will meet as coaches at 7:30 am Wednesday morning to verify all entrants and to make sure teams are full. We need all teams to be dressed and ready to start the first round at 8:30 am. Coach Bo Roundy BoRoundy@dsdmail.net BoRoundy@gmail.com or 435-881-7616
Event Info
Davis Duals on Nov 21, 2018 in Kaysville, UT.