Hood River - Gorge Freestyle Challenge

Hood River - Gorge Freestyle Challenge

The Gorge Freestyle Challenge Wrestling Tournament April 12th, 2014 Groups of 4 Freestyle Brackets with High School wrestlers as officials. Hood River Valley High School 1220 Indian Creek Rd. Hood River, OR 97031 Pee Wee – Junior / 4 person brackets Medals 1-3 Pre-Registration: $15.00 the door $20.00 Spectator: $2.00 Please pre-register on trackwrestling.com @ tinyurl.com/hrwc4-12-14 Weigh-ins 7:30am – 9:00am Wrestling begins at 10:00am USA Cards are required. For more information contact: Hood River Wrestling Club Trent Kroll: 541-399-6123
Event Info
Hood River - Gorge Freestyle Challenge on Apr 12, 2014 in Hood River, OR.