Badger Youth Wrestling Tournament

Badger Youth Wrestling Tournament

TOURNAMENT IS FULL, WE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTING ANYMORE, THANK YOU! There is a total of 553 kids in the tournament including both Badger wrestlers and Pre-registered wrestlers. Good Luck to all!! Any attempt to call or email for tournament entry will go unanswered. We allowed for 500 wrestlers plus our own, we have reached that mark. NO EXCPETIONS!! 8-Man Brackets for Age Divisions: (2001-2002) (1999-2000) (1997-1998) 4 man round robin for Age Divisions: (2003-2004) (2005-2006) Team Trophies: $15 Team Registration Fee Individual Awards: Custom `Bucky Badger` Trophy- 1st place / Medals-2nd ? 8th Weigh-Ins From 7:00 ? 8:30 AM. *Clubs With More Than 10 Wrestlers That Wish To Weigh-In Their Own Wrestlers on Friday, March 2; Need to contact Kirk Ladu at to make arrangements. *Wrestling to Begin At Approximately 10:00 Am* Limit 550 Wrestlers *Pre-Registration Only Tournament* Register Online Only at No phone in registrations, refunds or substitutions Registration Deadline: February 29, 2012 USA Cards are required & available at the door (birth certificates required for USA card purchase) For more information contact Kirk LaDu by email to: Breakfast starting at 7:00am and concessions served all day! *ONCE THE TOURNAMENT IS FULL OR DEADLINE REACHED, WE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTING ANYMORE ENTRIES. ANY EMAILS OR CALLS FOR TOURNAMENT ENTRY WILL GO UNANSWERED!!
Event Info
Badger Youth Wrestling Tournament on Mar 3, 2012.