To: Head Wrestling Coach
From: Bob Berceau-LC Head Wrestling Coach
Re: Luxemburg-Casco J.V. Wrestling Tournament on December 8,2012. Ten teams have expressed interest in the tournament. They include Bay Port, Pulaski, Hortonville, Seymour, Two Rivers, Kewaunee, Luxemburg-Casco, Oconto Falls, Mukwonago,& Green Bay Preble East. If for some reason you can not make it or I forgot to take you off the list please email me or if you know of any other teams that would like to enter please forward.
A school can weigh in as many wrestlers as they have at each weight. This is a double elimination tournament; each wrestler should get a minimum of two matches.
All Championship matches will be 6 minutes in (2,2,2). All consulation matches will be 5 minutes in lenth (1,2,2,).
Line-ups should be entered on by 8:00 pm on Friday 12-7-12. Please make every effort to get this done as it will save time on Saturday.
Additions can be made to your line-up on Dec. 10 but please make every attempt to correct items before you leave that morning if possible. There will be a master sheet in the coaches room to make corrections if you are not able to do that in the morning before you leave.
The tournament will be seeded in a way to keep wrestlers from the same school away from each other as much as possible.
Time schedule
-Weigh-in 8:30 in the wrestling room
-meeting for corrections in coaches room
-Wrestling will begin after tournament is seeded
We will break if needed to give wrestlers there 45 minute rest between matches.
Concessions will be available throughout the day.
Please make sure your AD has taken care of the entry fee.
Bob Berceau
L-C Wrestling Head Coach