Cougar Clash

Cougar Clash

Due to the short number of participants, we are merging the weigh-ins and start time. Now, all wrestlers must weigh in between 9:00am - 9:30am with a start time of 10:00am for all age groups. Additionally, there will be a few participants who are not going to be on our Trackwrestling listing. This group will be assigned exhibition matches that will take place after all Trackwrestling bouts are completed. If you know anyone (including high schoolers) with 2 or less years of experience, they can register for our tournament at the door. If you have any questions, you can contact Jeremy Davis at 901-864-8946 or John Broughton at 901-616-8896.
Event Info
Cougar Clash on Jan 22, 2022 in Brighton, TN.